
Bassett Hound Mix | male | 1 year | 32 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ✔️ Loves to snuggle! ❌ Crate training in progress!

Zero found his forever home on February 21, 2022!


Meet Zero! He’s the sweetest sausage dog that was found dumped and left to fend for himself in Texas. That hasn’t changed his opinion of humans, he still loves and adores everyone he meets! He’s super friendly and social and loves getting attention and affection. He has been great with the older child in his foster home but hasn’t had interactions with younger children. He does tend to jump up when greeting someone new and is working on that in the foster home.

Zero is usually a pretty mellow boy with medium energy around the foster home. He does need a steady supply of chew toys. He likes playing with toys and then comes on the couch for lots of snuggles when he’s worn out. He goes for a 20-30 minute walk per day. He is doing well on leash in a quieter, suburban type of environment. If a person or dog gets close he will pull in an effort to greet them.

He’s being fostered with three small dogs. He seems to love other dogs and just really wants to play and cannot contain his enthusiasm. He has been over-exuberant in the encounters and doesn’t understand his size in comparison to theirs. We’ve been going slow with interactions and he has made some progress in being calmer around them. However, small dogs are probably not going to be the best play partners for him. He’s met a bigger neighbor dog in the backyard and has played nicely at the fence line but there hasn’t been direct interactions with bigger dogs observed yet. He’s also fostered with a cat and does okay. He’s playful with him and will chase a cat that runs but is redirected pretty easily.

He sleeps well throughout the night in a crate in the same room as his foster. He also goes into the crate when left alone. He’s been left for 4-5 hours at a time. It’s not his favorite but he’s doing okay. He will whine minimally, especially if he hears someone is home and pushes around his blankets. He would need time to work up to a full work day if that was necessary.

He’s had no accidents in the foster home and quickly learned which door to stand at to go outside. He also rides well in the car, mostly lying quietly in the backseat and would likely do well on road trips.

Zero was positive for Anaplasmosis, a tick-borne disease, but is not showing any clinical signs. A positive result just indicates antibodies to this bacteria, not necessarily an active infection. Per our rescue protocol, he is on a round of antibiotics.

Zero is such a nice boy and will make a loving companion. He can’t wait to find his forever person or family!


Willie Nelson

