
Australian Shepherd Mix | male | 1 year Old | 65 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Good running buddy!

✔️ Enjoys doggy daycare! ❌ Needs an experienced owner!


Zebo marks his adoption day as March 8, 2021!


Zebo thrives on a routine. He absolutely loves the days he gets to go to doggy daycare and usually sleeps hard the moment he gets home. He also hasn’t been whining at all when he goes into his crate, he is sometimes a bit reluctant to go in but is very well behaved in there. He is a huge snuggler he’s also really improved with his leash skills, he is much better about not pulling. Although he will pull towards people or dogs we pass, he doesn’t bark at all and has been very well behaved with the people who ask to pet him.


Zebo keeps improving and his personality is starting to shine. He didn't have a ton of interest in the chicken flavored Pro Plan dog food so I started switching him to the beef flavor (as his foster in Texas fed him beef flavored food) and he seems to really enjoy it! He will eat about 1/2 of his breakfast in the morning, he finishes it between 4 and 5 pm and then will slowly eat his dinner between 6 and 8 pm.

He went to daycare at Waggin’ Tails and I think he really enjoyed it!! The staff said he was a bit nervous when he first got there but warmed up quickly and loved playing with the other dogs. When we pulled up the second day and he realized where we were, he got very excited.

On the days where he doesn't get as much exercise, he will whine for attention if he is bored. He will also try to get into things he knows he isn't supposed to if he wants attention, for example, he will start to sniff around in my recycling bin or put his paws up on top of his crate.

He is incredibly smart and learns new tricks quickly. We have solidified "sit" with a hand signal, he has learned "down" and is in the process of learning "shake" and "place." He doesn't love to stay in one spot so place is difficult for him.

I did a test leaving him in the bathroom for a few hours and he whined quite a bit and started to chew the toilet paper and a plastic stool. I think it will just take some time for him to get used to being left alone in an area other than his crate. He was also much better behaved the days when we went to daycare, so I think that making sure he has an outlet for his energy helps with is training.

Finally, he absolutely loves people. He will follow me around my apartment as I clean, do laundry, etc. He has also does really well with all the new people he has met. Additionally, I took him out to the horse farm with me and he did well! He met the horses with a barrier in between and was not afraid of them and also did not bark. I think he viewed them as large dogs and wanted to play but respected them when they did not want to. I let him run around the enclosed indoor arena and he really loved that.


Zebo wakes up around 6:30am, goes out to potty and then eats breakfast. He goes on a 10-15 minute walk and then is crated while I work. He then goes on a 30-minute midday walk and is back in his crate for the afternoon. When I get home from work, he goes out to potty and then receives his dinner. After a bit of rest time, he goes on a 30–40 minute walk. The rest of the evening he works on training commands and practices relaxation. He goes to bed around 10pm and sleeps in his crate.

Zebo gets very excited to meet new people. He is typically very friendly with new people but will sometimes act scared or nervous if he is intimidated. Usually if the person allows him to sniff them, he warms up quickly. Zebo has no exposure to children.

He is medium to high energy. His needs are fulfilled with about 60-90 minutes of outdoor exercise a day. He pulls a bit on the leash but is a quick learner and is getting better about it.

Zebo is the only dog in his foster home, and will bark if he sees a dog outside. He lived in a previous foster home with other dogs and got along with them very well.  On walks, he will pull towards other dogs and is excited to meet them.  Zebo has no exposure to cats.

He is usually crated when left alone and does not bark and usually does not whine either. Occasionally I will leave him out while I take out the trash or start my car, and he hasn't gotten into anything he isn't supposed to\ yet.  He currently lives in an apartment in a quieter neighborhood, however I do not think he would do well in a more busy and noisy area.

Zebo is currently being treated with an antibiotic for skin infection. He has tested positive for anaplasma but does not necessarily have an active infection. Monthly flea/tick and heartworm treatment should be done year round.

He would benefit from an experienced owner committed to training classes. He has minimal training and he still acts like a puppy. Zebo is very smart and has some jumpy and mouthy behaviors if he wants attention. He is very sweet and never wants to intentionally hurt someone, but doesn't necessarily know what to do with his energy when excited as a larger dog.

Zebo is a very smart dog but has had minimal past training, so would highly recommend training classes for future adopter.



