
chihuahua/pomeranian Mix | Female | 5 years Old | 12 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Walks well on leash! ✔️ Could live in an apartment!

✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ❌ No kids under 12 yo!


March 8 marks Foxy’s adoption day :)

Foxy starts the day doing a few laps around the house after being let out of her kennel. She will say hi to the resident dogs but generally doesn't settle down right away. She usually gets 2-3 walks a day but only goes potty once a day (very consistently around 5:30-6pm). She is fed after her morning walk with the resident dogs. Foxy gets little spurts of energy here and there but is a quiet, lounging dog for the most part. She enjoys soft toys but doesn't yearn to play all the time.

Foxy is a very shy dog and will need slow introductions. It took her the better half of a week before she started approaching us on her own. We haven't had people over to our house because of the pandemic, so we're unsure about how she reacts to new people entering our house. When we're out on walks, Foxy shows interest in people and other dogs walking around but will start to retreat behind me if they come closer.

She is scared by sudden movements.  Foxy will feel most comfortable in a quiet, low activity household.

Foxy has excellent leash manners. With the amount of snow that we've had, she has avoided relieving herself in the snow and has been pottying on sidewalks. We feel that once the snow melts, she can go on the grass but may need some help to know that she needs to go in the grass.

Foxy has done well interacting and sharing her space with the resident dogs. The resident dogs are about 50lb each and have a history of getting along with small dogs. She will growl if they get a little too close to her but has not shown signs of aggression beyond that. She doesn't initiate play but does get a little scared when our dogs try to initiate play (most likely attributed to sudden movements). Outside of the home, she has interacted with one other dog and was wary. She eventually warmed up and walked next to him. Foxy has not met a cat in our home.

We kennel Foxy when she is left alone. She has had two accidents in her kennel since we got her, but this was our fault. She has not had accidents since then.

The Wisconsin vet noted Foxy will need a dental in the next 1-2 years due to tartar accumulation.  She definitely needs to lose some weight and can benefit from obedience training.

Foxy doesn't know her name, so it can be easily changes. Foxy is also food motivated, but can be picky with what kind of treats are offered while training.



