
Hound Mix | male | 2 years Old | 33 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Can free roam when left alone! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ❌ Crate training in progress!

Wilson found his forever home on March 2, 2022!



Wilson spent the weekend with a sitter and was described as "an angel" - he still spends most of the work day napping but now that he's more comfortable with us he gets the zoomies more often. He would do really great in a household with other dogs. He hasn't met a dog he doesn't like and wants to be friends with all the neighborhood dogs we see on our walks. He's had several playdates with our neighbor's dogs and has gotten along with all of them. He is really fast and likes to be chased; he will also trash talk the other dogs if they can't keep up.

He also has a funny and goofy personality - he makes the cutest grumbly noises whenever our furnace turns on and he almost sounds like he's trying to talk to you sometimes. We discovered that he really responds to freeze dried liver treats and dried sardines. We've given up on crate training him but he does fine sleeping outside of a crate at night, and also at home for short periods of time (i.e. when we're out running errands). It's still best to make sure you don't leave anything lying around though, as we have caught him about to chew on some electronic cables.

It's really interesting how he behaves indoors vs outdoors. Inside, he is pretty laid back and sleeps on the couch for most of the day. Once he gets outside, he really comes alive and wants to sniff everything on our walks and play play play in the yard. He would be great for a first time dog owner.


We currently crate Wilson at night but we're starting to let him have free movement in the house. He gets let out when we wake up, eats breakfast, then goes on a walk. On workdays, he sleeps in the armchair next to us while we work, then gets another walk around lunch. More napping in the afternoon, another walk and dinner, and he basically hangs out on the couch and watches us. He gets another walk before bed. He has shown some interest in playing with toys, and he loves chewing on bones and rawhide sticks, but generally prefers to watch you. He does snuggle on the couch with us.

Wilson is very shy around humans. He generally prefers to keep his distance initially and will approach you on his own terms. It will take time and patience for him to trust you. He seems to have retained some habits from when he was a stray - the first couple of days we had him, he wouldn't eat unless we put his bowl outside. He is still a bit nervous inside, but very confident once he goes outside.

I would describe Wilson as medium energy. He loves to run around the yard and be chased by our dog, but can also be chill and snuggle with you on the couch. He mostly naps in an armchair during the day. He gets 3-4 walks a day and walks pretty well on leash with a prong collar (no leash reactivity noted). He did pull a lot initially but that has eased up with the prong collar.

Wilson gets along well with other dogs. He is playful but submissive. He has not ha exposure to cats while in our care.

We left Wilson uncrated when we ran an errand (about an hour) and he did fine. He did jump over a 3ft baby gate so he could sit by the front door, but other than that, he didn't chew on anything, knock anything over, or have an accident.

Wilson is a very sweet but shy boy. He will need someone to be patient with him and earn his trust. Having another dog around to model behaviors has really helped him, and is recommended but not required. In Texas, he was fostered in a home with 9 other dogs, so he is probably used to having at least one other dog around.



