
Lab Mix | Female | 3 Years Old | 70 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ✔️ Could do well in apartment! ❌ No cats!

Faith found her forever home on March 6, 2022!


Sweet Faith is one of those dogs who is living life to the fullest! She loves morning walks and wrestles with her foster brother. On days when I'm working from home, Faith and the resident pup jump between indoor and outdoor wrestling nearly all day long (seriously!). When I leave for work, she goes in her crate after being coaxed in with some peanut butter and is happy to spend the whole day in there. She's also happy to sleep the night away quietly in her crate. This lady has the bladder of a champ! Some days or nights she'll have been in her crate up to ten hours, and even then she doesn't feel the need to rush outside to pee. Faith eats twice a day and she's been pretty good about finishing her food, she gets at least two walks a day, and all other non-sleeping time is devoted to being a playful friend to her foster brother.

Faith can be a bit timid around new people, but it doesn't take long for her to warm up to most people. In general, she's submissive to humans and is prone to tucking her tail, but she's very trusting and you can tell she wants to love everyone. She does usually like trying to say hi to new people on walks, and she's been very polite to the few visitors we've had in our house. She is an incredibly cuddly dog, and just melts when she gets to curl up next to me on the couch.

I haven't seen Faith around many children aside from some on our walks. She is a big, happy girl, though, and she is one of those dogs who puts her whole body into it when she's excited -- and she does get excited about a lot of things! She may not be ideal for small children because of her fast and happy tail, her size, and her enthusiasm.

Faith's energy level really adapts to her situation. If we're home and the resident pup is here, it's non-stop wrestling most of the day. She loves going for walks, and she LOVES just hanging out in the backyard keeping an eye on the squirrels. The resident pup has been at Camp Papa for a few days now (I let my dog-less parents borrow him from time to time) and it's been fun to see how she does as an only dog. For the most part, she hangs out in the yard by herself or keeps herself occupied with toys inside and barely bothers me. Otherwise, she sleeps a lot more during the day and does fine with a few daily walks.

Faith seems to like most dogs, though it's clear that she needs slower intros to small dogs than big ones. She's a bit of a rough player, which is not a form of aggression, but may be too much for some dogs. The resident pup has no problem with her play style at all, and Faith also got along fantastically with her foster brother in Louisiana before she came up here. I think that with patient, supervised intros to most dogs, Faith would be happy to live in a home with another pup.

Faith's Louisiana foster suggested no cats for her, and I'm not sure if that was a guess or based on experience. We do not have cats in our house so I haven't seen how she does. This girl has quite the small mammal prey drive, though, so I think it would be best if she lived in a cat-less home.

Faith sleeps in her crate with some toys and zero complaints when we're gone. She's fully crate-trained and can go all day when we're at work without issues.

Faith is just a young, fun, exuberant lab. She's not a ball of energy but she isn't a bump on a log. She's not super timid, and she wants to be trusting, but it may take a teeny bit of effort to make her feel safe. She'll make a great addition to many homes! (oh, and she'll need a home that will help her continue on her post-heartworm weight loss journey. She needs to lose 10-15 pounds, and she's already 10% of the way there. But don't tell her she's overweight because she certainly doesn't act like she is!)



