
Mixed breed | male | 6 months Old | 42 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good with adults! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ❌ Working on leash manners! ❌ Crate training in progress!

Pickles found his forever home on March 6, 2022!


Pickles starts his day at 7 am with a long walk in the morning and some playtime with his foster (fetch, tug are his favorites). As a puppy, Pickles can never get enough playtime, so we have plenty of chew toys, play times and walks interspersed throughout the day until dinner time around 7 pm. Finally, we have one final walk outside to eliminate before he sleeps soundly through the night in his crate in my room.

Pickles is excited to meet people outside the home, and will generally approach the other person for an introduction. If he sees them bicycling or running, he'll want to chase after them. Inside the home, he can be a little more skeptical and cautious of strangers entering the home. I have not observed Pickles with any children.

Pickles is a high-energy adolescent that needs plenty of mental and physical stimulation, in the form of long walks or runs, and obedience training. Pickles still needs active and consistent leash training as the outside world is still very stimulating to him.

Pickles seems to do okay with other dogs both inside and outside the home, though I have only observed a limited number of these interactions. Pickles will soon be enrolling in a doggie day care as socialization is still very important at this stage in his development. I have not observed Pickles with any cats.

Pickles likes being near you when possible, and will whine for a little bit in the crate when left alone. However, he seems to calm down and will take nap fairly quickly if given sufficient exercise before leaving him alone.

Pickles shows many standard puppy/adolescent behaviors for a mixed Shepherd breed dog so consistency in home and training will be best for him as he's been transitioned to multiple homes as a puppy. Pickles learns quickly and is very eager to please; an adopter willing to work through puppy behaviors with Pickles will be rewarded with a fun, quirky and loyal companion for years to come!



