
Mixed Breed | male | 2 months Old | 14 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good with kids! ✔️ Walks well on leash! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!


Walt found his forever family April 4, 2021!

Walt wakes up around 6am and we head outside for a potty break, has breakfast, plays a bit with toys and his sister, then heads back outside for a little morning romp in the backyard or a walk around the block. Around 8-9am, he is ready for morning nap in his enclosure or crate. And the cycle of nap, potty, play and meals continues through lunch and until dinner. Dinner is between 5-6pm followed again by a longer playtime and walk outside. Evening is definitely a time for playing with toys and snuggling...he loves your lap or a dog/cat bed to curl up in. It's out for a late-night potty break around 10/10:30pm and into his crate for the night. He sometimes will make it until morning but is more likely to need one break during the night.

He has loved pretty much any living thing that he has met...men, women, and kids. He's a chill dude. He greets them all with the classic puppy tail wag and waddle.

Walt has four children in his foster home and has met many others as well. He does have sharp puppy teeth, but honestly, he would prefer to lick them. If he is feeling frisky, you can redirect to a toy.

Walt is definitely a puppy and the play, potty, power nap cycle is real! He is a medium energy puppy who loves to have some zoomie time with his dog sister and the resident adult dog in the backyard followed by some toy time inside....but requires a power naps every couple hours. For a puppy, he's on the chill side. He settles well in his crate or a small dog bed. Of course, your lap is preferred if time allows.

He enjoys chewing on toys and wrestling with his sister. He loves to explore and sniff around outside or to just lay in the sun. He has started to get the hang of the leash this week and we have been able to on slightly longer walks 10-15 minutes of actual leash. He still requires frequent potty breaks outside since he is working on housebreaking.

Walt has met several dogs in his foster home. He is sweet and curious with them. He has been both playful and at times, timid with our large adult resident dog. He is happy to play chase in the yard with them.

Walt has been curious of the cats with the three resident cats in his foster home.  He watches them through the gate or when they saunter through but hasn't barked or growled at them. He did get close enough once to a swishing tail to try to nibble it...which earned him a swat. He hasn't tried it since.

He would prefer to be near you but spending time in his crate each day is part of his day. Walt seems to quite enjoy his crate and settles in quickly, especially when tired and there are treats hidden in there. Since he is a puppy, he is not left unsupervised outside of his crate in the house.

Walt is the KING of BELLYRUBS!. He's a mixed breed of 75% adorable and 25%sausage...so his rolly belly just beckons to be rubbed. He loves pet and snuggles and to curl up in a dog bed with a chew toy. He has responded well to early training for basic commands like "sit" and "come". But also, he is typical puppy who will require plenty of attention and time for housebreaking, crate training and chewing. Good dogs come to those who train!



