
Hound Mix | male | 4 months Old | 18 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs and kids! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Walks well on leash!

✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!


Little Wally found his family on December 18, 2020!

We wake Wally up early in the morning to eat breakfast, go on a walk, and play a little fetch. While we are away for work, Wally stays in his kennel, which he is very content in and has no issues with. After work, Wally likes to play a little fetch and eat lunch. We sometimes take him out for another walk in the afternoon/evening or play inside. He will snuggle up to you in the evening with usually one more spurt of energy before bed! He spends the night in his kennel.

He loves meeting new people. Wally usually greets others with some sniffs, a hop on their legs for pets, and kisses!

Wally has had some exposure to children (ages 2-12) while in our care. We have never had an issue with him, but sometimes we just need to remind kids that he is a puppy and is still learning polite ways to greet people. He can get a little overexcited when he meets others and jump on them.

Wally loves to go on adventures to sniff around the neighborhood or new environment. When we take him on walks, he spends a lot of time taking in his surroundings by sniffing. We often joke that he's "on the scent." Sometimes this leads to some wacky walking, but he is pretty good on the leash for a puppy! He also loves to play fetch and chase around the house or in the backyard. Wally would love a family who will run around and play with him.

He loves other dogs even more than he loves people. He would be perfectly content to run around in circles with other dogs all day. Wally is a very good playmate for all the dogs he has met. He spends much more time running and chasing than nipping.

Wally has not had any exposure to cats while in our care.

He is a champ in his kennel. Wally almost never makes a peep while spending time in his kennel whether we are at home or away. He has not had an accident in his kennel since the first few days we had him. You would be hard pressed to find a more kennel trained dog!

Current Likes: Exploring, sniffing, running around, finding big sticks, taking naps in the sun, being in small spaces, all forms of loving (pets, kisses, snuggles, etc.)

Wally will likely require dental work when he is 5-6 months of age to either pull or cap his bottom canine teeth so that they do not cause injury to his upper palate.

Wally is one of the best dogs I have ever met! He will certainly be your best friend and give you lots of laughs and smiles.



