
Boston Terrier Mix | male | 10 years Old | 24 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Could live in an apartment!

✔️ Enjoys learning new tricks! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ❌ Working on leash manners!


February 25 marks Vinny’s adoption day!


Vinny is crate trained and does well in his crate! When I leave home I crate him, and he does well. He has made progress with his barking and has learned that stopping barking is good, because then he gets to play fetch or gets treats! He knows sit, down, touch (he nudges your fist with his nose), and has a good recall. Despite his grumbly exterior, he manages to wiggle his way into the heart of everyone he meets.


The average day with Vinny is a dream. This little man loves nothing more than to burrow under the covers and warm your feet. After waking up and crawling out of bed, we head outside and then come back in for breakfast. He spends the morning napping and chewing on a Nylabone while I work, and then we do some training and playtime at lunch. He LOVES playing fetch, but gets cold easily, so we typically play fetch in the hallway or on the stairs. Then he goes back outside for a quick bathroom break, and the rest of the afternoon is spent inside napping or chewing on a Nylabone. We head outside for another bathroom break, and he hangs out in the kitchen with me while I cook dinner and we play with toys! Then he eats dinner in his crate and comes out for snuggles or playtime until it's time for bed. We head out one last time for him to use the restroom, and then he jumps in bed and burrows under the covers for the night.

Vinny does well with people after he's had 5-10 minutes to warm up to them. Before he warms up to them, he'll most likely bark and growl intermittently, and pull on the leash if he's on one. This behavior happens around all new people when meeting them inside, and intermittently on walks outside. Sometimes he ignores people on walks, and sometimes he'll bark at every person he sees.  Vinny has not met a cat in his foster home.

He is a low-medium energy guy! Vinny needs around 30 minutes of exercise a day, and his favorite way to get exercise in is fetch! However, he does get cold pretty easily in the winter, even with a coat. The best place to get his energy out when it's cold out is inside! He does well on leashed walks in low distraction environments, but often pulls in higher distraction environments, like downtown Madison.

When he sees dogs while on leashed walks, Vinny will bark at them if they're within 50 feet of him. He does well when meeting other dogs both inside and outside the home, and can stand his ground with big pups just fine! He will often bark, play, and otherwise be amped up around them for the first 30 minutes but eventually settles down.  Vinny has no exposure to cats.

Vinny can be left alone free in the house for a short period of time but can't be trusted around plates of food or other smelly items like socks and undergarments. He is typically crated when I leave, but I believe with time you'll be able to leave him out for longer periods as he gets more comfortable and learns the rules in your home.

Vinny has sensitive skin and what the vet believes may be chronic allergies. An adopter should plan to keep him on monthly flea/tick medication and continue to help pinpoint his allergies.

Once Vinny decides who "his person" is, there's no going back- he'll let you know that you've been chosen and have no choice but to fall in love with him. Though he's 10 years old, you'd never know it from his attitude! He's a spry old man that likely has many more years of fetch ahead of him. Vinny is a grumbly cuddle bug who wants nothing more than to find a forever home where he can curl up in blankets and nap laying next to you :)




Tee & Izzy