
Terrier Mix | male | 3 years Old | 60 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good with cats! ✔️ Housetrained! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Good running buddy!

✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ❌ No apartments!


Tristan found his family March 30, 2021!


Routine and stability have done wonders for Tristan. We’ve had no accidents in weeks and he does so well in his crate now. I was able to add back blankets and multiple toys in his crate because he is so much calmer when I’m away. My cat loves to take advantage of how gentle he is by sleeping directly on him during naps and at night. Everyone who meets him immediately comments on his sweet disposition. He walks calmly up to them and sits or crouches down for pets. Whoever adopts Tristan is getting a new best friend!


Sweet boy Tristan continues to do well in my home. He’s settled into a routine which has really helped his separation anxiety and crate training. Now when I leave, he is distracted by his frozen Kong treat toy (he loves a mix of dry food and peanut butter) and then lays down for a nap. He’ll occasionally revisit the Kong or chew on a hard toy in between dozing again. He really only seems to get worked up when my resident dog hears something and starts barking. That sets Tristan off barking. They both eventually calm down after a few minutes.

Tristan loves that the snow in my yard has melted because it means he can run around easily and play with my dog as well as find all the balls left in the yard last Fall! He also did pretty well on a run recently. He’ll need to build up his endurance but he ran nicely next to me once we got going.

Tristan’s got a heart of gold and whoever adopts him is going to have a loving, funny, loyal buddy.


Tristan has made amazing progress in the week since I wrote his initial bio. Stability and consistency have done wonders. Between switching him to a food with less fiber and giving him a treat and lots of praise every time he successfully poops and pees outside, he hasn’t had any accidents since his first week with me. And he’s kept his crate clean as well! He’s also doing much better with his separation anxiety. I leave a frozen Kong treat toy with Tristan and that distracts him for the first 5-10 minutes and then he might whine/bark for 5-10 minutes before he chews on a hard toy and lays down for a nap. He barks and whines less and settles down for a nap in his crate more quickly when I leave. I think he’s learning that he’s safe and that I’ll always come home to him.

He’s also loving the warmer weather and will spend more time outside. He enjoys running around the slushy snow in the yard with my resident dog. The melting snow has also uncovered some balls and he’s getting a chance to play one-sided fetch! Tristan is getting more playtime with resident kitty Milo as well. And of course he is still an excellent lap dog and expert snuggler. He is going to make his future family so happy!


Everyone who meets Tristan says he is such a sweet boy. When meeting a new person, he will approach and promptly sit down and lean into the person to get pets and scratches. His willingness to trust and love people even though they’ve let him down in the past is truly heartwarming!

Tristan wakes up around 6:30/7:00 a.m. and needs to go outside right away. We’re still working on potty training, so it’s important to make sure he pees and poops before letting him back inside. I give him a treat after each successful outdoor pee/poop to reinforce this behavior. A Southern boy with short fur and very little fat, he does not like going out in the rain/snow/subzero temperatures. Sometimes I have to let him in to warm up and then try again in 10-15 minutes. He has had quite a few indoor poops with the very cold weather and snow lately, but I’m starting to see improvements with the warmer weather and with more consistent training than he’s been able to have when bouncing around shelters/foster homes.

After doing his business, Tristan is ready for breakfast. This boy loves to eat! I feed him in a slow feeder to slow him down a bit and I put the feeder in his crate to continue to build a positive association with the crate since we’re still working on crate training. After breakfast he plays with hard toys (no soft toys - he’s a super chewer!) while I get ready for work. I keep an eye on him and let him out if it looks like he is sniffing around for a place to poop. When it’s time for me to leave, I let him out once more before putting him in his crate with a peanut butter-filled Kong treat toy and a hard toy. I leave the radio on while I’m away.

When I’m gone, I have a dog cam on Tristan and I can see that he struggles with separation anxiety. He has destroyed bedding in the crate, had accidents, and has gotten out of the crate (until I added more zip ties to reinforce the edges). He also whines and howls while I’m away. Because of this, I don’t think he’d do well in an apartment (neighbors might not be too happy with the noise!). Some of his issues may stem from the instability he’s had in his life so far. I’m hoping things will improve the longer he is with me and has a consistent routine.

When I return home from work, Tristan gets let out right away to do his business. Then it’s time for dinner and more playtime before curling up next to me on the couch to snore and snooze until it’s time for bed.

Overall, Tristan is a medium-level pup. He will get the zoomies when he and my resident dog are let out in my fenced-in backyard. They like to take turns chasing each other and will wrestle in the snow. The cold weather and snow keep outdoor playtime on the shorter side right now. When he’s inside, he will occasionally be playful with my dog but is content to just chew away on a hard toy or curl up next to be on the couch to nap. He thinks he is a lap dog. I don’t have the heart to tell him he’s too big!

Tristan gets along well with other dogs but doesn’t always understand boundaries. When he gets playful with my dog, I watch for signals from my dog that he is getting overwhelmed and doesn’t want to play and will separate them if needed. My young, dog-savvy cat loves playing with Tristan but I monitor them as well to make sure Tristan isn’t coming on too strong. Sometimes he forgets he’s much bigger and stronger than the kitty. A quick spritz of a squirt bottle usually does the trick. I have not seen Tristan interact with young children.

Tristan has some tartar accumulation present and would benefit from a dental in the next 1-2 years.

Overall, Tristan needs someone who is patient and will consistently work with him on potty/crate training and managing his separation anxiety. He is a big sweetheart with so much love and affection to give and who deserves a chance at a stable, caring home.



