
Catahoula Leopard Dog Mix I Female I 3 months old I 12 lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Good running buddy! ✔️ Walks well on leash!

✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ✔️ Deaf doggo!


Officially adopted on December 5, 2020!

Tammy wakes up at around 6:30am. I let her outside to go potty and then I feed her breakfast. Then she sleeps for another hour or two. In the morning, she likes to play with toys and runs around. Before lunch time, I will take her for a walk around my building and she gets a lot of love and attention from strangers which she eats up. Throughout the day she cycles between naps and playing and going outside for potty breaks. Then before dinner time I will typically take her for another short walk and then feed her dinner once we get back inside. Then bedtime is around 9/10pm.

Tammy loves any and all people especially if she gets pets! She has no exposure to children.

She is a medium energy dog meaning she definitely needs to be played with throughout the day and taken on 1-2 short walks. But she will nap throughout the day as well. She does great on a leash.

Tammy is deaf so sometimes she misses the warning signs of dogs wanting her to back off. That being said she always wants to play with dogs her own size. If she sees a big dog on the street, she does get a little scared since she is still a tiny puppy. However, she loved to play with my other foster dog who was bigger than her. I think if there are other dogs in the house just be cognizant that she is a puppy and she will try to play and if your dog does not tolerate puppies it may not be the best fit.  She has not had exposure to cats.

When she is kenneled, she will cry/bark for a bit then settle down.

Tammy is most likely deaf but she is a really smart puppy and has learned tricks and commands very well. Her foster mom had no previous experience with deaf dogs and hand signals are going well so far. The only thing to keep in mind is sometimes you need to get her attention which is not always easy since she cannot hear. 



