
Blackmouth Cur Mix | male | 1 year Old | 41 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs and kids! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!

❌ Working on leash manners! ❌ No cats!


Reece found his people on December 6, 2020!

Reece wakes up with me around 7am on most days. He stays in his crate while I get ready, then we take a short walk around the block when he usually goes potty. He eats his breakfast around 8:30 am then follows me around the kitchen while I make my coffee. Reece then plays with some toys and then naps while I do my online classes. Reece and I go to the park for a longer walk in the afternoon after school/work. He eats dinner around 6 pm then another short walk around the block before bed. Reece will snuggle on the couch in the evenings until I go to bed, he sleeps in his crate through the night.

Reece loves any human he meets, he greets everyone with a wagging tail! He is not shy around any new person. Reece has met kids of all ages on our walks in the park. He is sweet and gentle, greeting them with his tail wagging. Reece wants to be a close as possible to his humans at all times and will snuggle on the couch with anyone who will let him.

He is a medium energy dog. Reece loves to play when engaged with another dog or human, but is very content chewing his bone quietly, napping (and snoring), or watching out the window. He sometimes gets a random bout of energy in the mornings after his breakfast and will throw his toy around, but this never lasts more than a few minutes. He has not been very interested in playing fetch, Reece will chase a toy for a short amount of time, but usually gets distracted quickly. Reece gets about three walks a day, a very brief one around the block in the mornings and evenings and a longer one in a nearby park in the afternoons. He is getting better a walking on a leash. He seemed nervous and unsure on the leash when he first came to us but is getting much more confident. Reece pulls on the leash sometimes when something catches his eye, but other times he's content walking next to me. We are working on redirecting from the distractions that sometimes will cause him to stop. In these instances, he responds well to a "No" and a light tug on the leash.

Reece has loved every dog that he's met, large and small. He plays when engaged, but also just loves to take walks alongside some of his new doggy friends. Reece should not live in a home with cats.

He has chewed a few non toys including a remote and some dirty laundry that was left accessible. This occurred early on in his time with us and has not happened since. He sometimes seems interested in non-toys, but takes redirection well. He is now learning where and what is his toys are in now seeks them out when looking for something to chew. When left alone, he goes in his crate with a frozen peanut butter Kong treat toy. He settles quickly in the crate, does not typically whine at all. He has been left to roam free at my parents’ house with their mini schnauzer and did well. We have not tried it at our home, as the space in not very conducive to housetraining (i.e., doors that don't stay latched shut).

Reece can sometimes be scared by unexpected noises, such as a trash bag, soda can opening, or nail guns from nearby construction. He usually reacts by seeking comfort from one of his humans. He is getting more used to some of these noises and is able to overcome his fear more quickly. Reece is a very sweet dog who will love to be loved by his forever family!



