
Mixed Breed | Female | 2.5 months Old | 17 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good with kids! ✔️ Walks well on leash! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!


Officially adopted April 16th! She will go by Maple in her forever home :)


What a difference a week makes! Sun has loved the weather this week....exploring the back yard, discovering new smells, adventuring on walks in the neighborhood. But her favorite place has been curled up in a lap in the sun while sitting outside! I mean all this outside time can really wear a puppy out:)

She’s a smart one and continues to quickly learn basic commands like “sit”, “come”, and “kennel up”. She sits without prompting at the back door when she’s waiting to come in. She is settling down quickly in her crate now and is used to spending a chunk of time there while I work.

Sun is ready to settle into a routine in her new home and bring some sunshine, tail wags, and puppy kisses!


A day in the life of Sun....Sun wakes up in her crate around 6am and heads outside for a potty break. Then she has breakfast, plays a bit with toys and her foster dog brother, then heads back outside for a little morning romp in the backyard or a walk around the block. Around 8-9am, she is ready for morning nap in her enclosure or crate. And the cycle of nap, potty, play and meals continues through lunch and until dinner. Dinner is between 5-6pm followed again by a longer playtime and walk outside. Evening is definitely a time for playing with toys and snuggling on laps which is her favorite. It's out for a late-night potty break around 10/10:30pm and into her crate for the night. She sometimes will make it until morning but is more likely to need one break during the night.

Sun loves all the, women, and kids. She is happy to greet them upon arrival, follow them around and snuggle into their laps whenever allowed. Her ideal nap would be cuddled up with you on the couch.

Sun has four children in her foster home and has met many others as well. She has shown them all tag wags and puppy kisses. Of course, puppy teeth are sharp! But she is a fairly gentle mouther and so far has been easily redirected to her toys even by our kids.

She is definitely a puppy and the play, potty, power nap cycle is real! Sun is a medium energy puppy who loves to have some zoomie time with her foster dog brother and the resident adult dog in the backyard followed by some toy time inside....but requires a power naps every couple hours. She can settle in her crate or enclosure, or with you if your schedule allows. She enjoys chewing on her toys, but her favorite activity is wrestling toys away from her brother. She has started to get the hang of the leash this week and we have been able to go on slightly longer walks 10-15 minutes of actual leash work.

Being a puppy, Sun loves other dogs and so far plays well with them. She, of course, rough houses with her brother, but she has shown proper deference (belly up) to our older resident dog. She enjoys chasing him around during fetch (she doesn't actually fetch yet, just follows our dog up and down the hill) She has met several neighborhood dogs on walks and has had positive experiences.

Sun has three cats in her foster home. She has noticed them but hasn't been overly interested in them so far.

Sun would prefer to be near you but spending time in her crate each day is part of her day. We have been doing crate games of hiding treats during the day. Sometimes she takes a couple minutes to settle, but she usually calms after a few minutes of whines and then relaxes nicely in her crate.

Sun is truly a sweetheart of a puppy....a balance of play and snuggles. She is a smart one...already beginning to learn "come" and "sit", very responsive to treats. She is still a puppy so continuing to work on crate training and housebreaking will be a must in her new home. She is doing great pooping outside, but still has pee accidents in the house daily.



