
italian greyhound Mix | Female | 3 months Old | 9 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with cats! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Walks well on leash! ✔️ Could live in an apartment!

✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ❌ Slow intros to new people!


Harlow found his forever people April 16!

Harlow wakes up in her crate and we go outside for a potty break immediately. Then she eats and plays while I get ready for work. We go outside again and she either goes into her crate or comes to the office with me. If she's in the office, Harlow plays with toys and naps, but sometimes can get into a little trouble trying to get in the garbage or slipping out the door and running down the hallway. In the afternoon or early evening, we go for a longer walk, then Harlow eats dinner, plays a little more and works on her commands, and goes out once more before going to bed. She typically will sleep 6-7 hours without needing to go outside.

Harlow shows a little interest in people but does not like to get close to them until after she has had at least a few minutes to warm up to them. Once she knows the new people, she likes to be around people and loves when they play games with her or give her treats.

She hasn't met any children, but I think she would be okay with them as long as she had time for a slow introduction. If she gets a hand or finger in her mouth, she uses soft bites and she has shown no reactivity to having her face, paws, or tail touched.

Harlow is a medium energy dog. She enjoys walks, especially in the woods or near the lake, and she can keep up for 30-45 minutes, sometimes even longer. She still naps quite a bit during the day and is okay taking naps in her crate. Working on commands seems to calm her down if she has a little extra energy left at the end of the day.

With dogs she growls and hides, but once she learns they are not scary she calms down. Harlow hasn't yet shown much interest in playing with other dogs, but does try to play with the cat.

Harlow lives with a resident cat who doesn't like to play. She still tries to be near him sometimes but when he growls at her she gives him space. Harlow doesn't bark at him like many of my other fosters have.

Harlow should be crated if left alone. She is in a chewing phase and will get at things she should not if she isn't supervised. She particularly likes trying to chew on couch pillows and pulling tissues out of the garbage. If Harlow is in her crate, she typically naps and is much improved in her behavior the first few minutes after she is crated. She rarely will whine anymore.

She’s a typical puppy and was timid for the first few days, but now that she has gotten used to the house and our routine she is definitely in the pushing boundaries and exploring stage. She is smart and has learned commands like "come", "sit", "down" and "leave it" quickly but has a hard time listening when she is distracted (like if we're outside or other people are around). She just needs someone with some patience and some time to learn that she's found her forever home.



