
English Bulldog | Female | 2 Years Old | 43 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Can free roam when left alone! ✔️ Could do well in an apartment! ❌ Would prefer to be an only dog! ❌ No cats! ❌ No small kids!

Sugar found her forever home on March 7, 2022!


Sugar gets up around 6:30/7am in the morning for a potty and quick walk around the block. She then has her breakfast and plays with her toys. If it’s not a work day, she will go back to bed until 10/11am. If it’s a work day, she has one more potty break and is then left alone for no more than 8 hours. She does great on her own, but loves it when her person comes home for a lunch break, lets her out and gives her a yummy treat! After work, Sugar goes for a 30-60 min walk (30 min with the cold weather). Sugar then has dinner and will play with her toys some more. She loves her red toy bone and will play fetch until she wants to simply chew on it. She will then take a nap until it’s time for bed. One last potty break first though. She is really good at letting you know when she needs to go out and will sit by the door and do a little whine. She’s not a big barker, but will let you know when someone is at the door.

Sugar loves to sleep on the couch and is cat like when there is a sun beam! She loves to lounge during the day but needs a long walk at towards 3-4pm. She isn’t a running buddy due to her short snout, but she loves to go for hikes. She’s been working with a trainer and her leash skills are so much better. She has also been working with a trainer for her reactivity towards other dogs. Sugar would do best with a home that will continue her training.

She does well with people in and outside of the home. Due to COVID, there haven’t been a lot of visitors however.

Sugar has not been around children. However, when she gets the zoomies, she is not always aware of her surroundings and would probably do best in a home without small children.

She is a medium energy dog. She likes to snooze, but she also needs at least 1 hour of exercise a day (more if the weather permits). She has been working with a trainer on her leash skills and they have greatly improved.

Sugar is reactive towards dogs. She has been getting better with her training and will need someone who will continue to work with her.

Sugar has a pretty strong drive towards cats and would do best in a home without a cat or a home with multiple levels so the cat can stay on one and Sugar on the other. Sugar would prefer to be an only child.

Sugar does amazing when left alone! She doesn’t get into anything she shouldn’t, hasn’t had any accidents, and can be left alone for up to 8 hours.

Sugar does great in the car and loves to go on errands around town!

Sugar is a smart little girl and knows “sit” “stay” “up” and “paw” with her right paw. She is a fast learner and is treat motivated, so she is easy to train. Sugar sits before meal time and before she is let out.

Sugar had a slight underbite but that does not keep her from enjoying her kibble and treats! She also has a level 2 heart murmur, however no signs of congestive heart failure have been noted on physical exam or historically.

Sugar loves to get ear rubs and belly rubs. She enjoys being loved by her human and would do best in a home that will give her all the love and affection she deserves! She will reward you by being your best friend and cuddle buddy. She’s always excited to see you when you come home and does her happy dance (she bounces up and down on her two front feet) which will make you smile. She’s the sweetest little girl and will be your best companion.




Willie Nelson