
Brittany spaniel Mix | male I 2 years Old | 42 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Good running buddy!

✔️ Walks well on leash! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ❌ No cats!


Congrats to Shiloh on his adoption November 7, 2020!

Shiloh wakes up early (6-7am) to be let out and goes potty. Shiloh is either at 100% energy or 0% energy because he can go from playing with you to immediately snuggled up and snoring on the couch. We take him on multiple long walks per day (45 min or more) and a few walks just to pee/poop.

He loves everyone and will become anyone’s best friend quickly. He wants to say “hi” to everyone, but he has a habit of jumping on people so if you have a family, I recommend older kids.

Shiloh is HIGH energy. His recall is not good because he is always sniffing around outside, but when he is inside and less distracted, he will come when you call him. Exercise requirements are extensive for him - 3 or more walks a day of 30 minutes or more. He needs chew toys or tennis balls in the house as well to keep his mouth occupied and prevent him from grabbing pillows or blankets.

He does great with other dogs and so excited to interact with dogs. Shiloh is always the dog that initiates the play bow and will run circles around any dog he meets :) He has a strong prey drive so he will chase any cat in our home. Our cat has stayed upstairs (which we have blocked off), but she has come downstairs a couple times and he chases her immediately. Cats are not recommended.

Shiloh is not great alone as he whines a lot and barks out the window whenever he is left alone or his favorite person leaves the house.  He will need a family to help continue working on alone time.

He is an absolutely wonderful dog that is patient, kind and responsive. I think a fenced in yard would be great for him (not required because my yard is not fenced in and we can tire him out).  Shiloh sleeps well in the crate and LOVES car rides because he can look out the window at all the new sights and smells.



