
Cur Mix | male | 3 months Old | 20 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!

❌ Working on leash manners!


Pongo found his forever family on November 5, 2020!

Pongo is a sweet, silly, and snuggly puppy. He is so excited to see his humans when he wakes up around 8 am. He plays fetch or with toys for most of the day along with taking several long naps. He is let out to potty every hour or two. At night, he rests in bed watching tv until it is time for him to be crated for the night. He still needs to go potty 1-2 times during the night. After he is brought back in, he quietly goes back to sleep.

Pongo likes everyone he meets! He gives lots of kisses and occasionally gets too excited and jumps up or gently nips at people. He loves to sit in laps and be pet. He has not met any children, but I suspect he would do just fine with them and would love to chase them around.

Pongo is a high energy pup. He gets most of his energy out by playing fetch and chewing on toys. He walked well on a leash when he was able to go on a walk with another dog, but he is fearful on walks by himself. As a result, he usually just sits and refuses to walk. Treat trails have been helping, but he would prefer to play in a yard or go on walks with another dog.

Pongo is great with other dogs. He often barks when he sees one from far away, but he is very friendly once he meets them. He likes to wrestle with other puppies and play chase with them. He has not met a cat yet.

Pongo does well in his crate when left alone. Because he is not fully potty trained and occasionally chews on non-toys, he should be crated when unsupervised. He happily goes in his crate for naps and is quiet when humans leave.

He does bark when he hears strange noises, so he may not be the best fit for an apartment. Pongo is the sweetest pup with so much love to give. His favorite place to be is right in your lap (he thinks work from home is great!) and loves attention. He is smart and treat-motivated, so training him will be a breeze. We love Baby P very much!



