
chihuahua Mix | Female | 2 Years Old | 12 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Can free roam when alone! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Walks well on leash! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ❌ Food/toy possessive with dogs


Little Sencha found her furever family on September 1, 2020!

Sencha is a lovely little lady who starts her day with a potty break and walk long enough until she poops. I make sure to walk her until she poops because she still has poop accidents in the house once in a while. Then she eats breakfast and has a morning play session with all her toys (she LOVES all toys of any kind). I would say she is a medium energy overall since she is pretty active with her toys and play time then spends the rest of the day napping. If I'm working from the office, she will be crated for the day, otherwise she snoozes in a bed next to my desk if I'm working from home. She has also been okay free roaming for a couple hours. Evenings we do potty breaks in the yard and spend some time exploring the yard with the other dogs. She is a bit of an escape artist, so I need to keep her on a tie out despite my yard having an enclosed chain link fence so that she doesn't find a tiny hole and get out. At night, Sencha gets dinner when I'm putting her to bed and she will mostly sleep through the night. Sometimes she will wake up and cry/whine with noises (she just wants to be by her humans!) but a quick "shush!" quiets her right down.

She has met several other adults and has been very happy and excitable to meet all of them. She is a little dominant, but always very gentle and happy to interact overall. Except for her visit to the vet - she was very anxious and would hardly let them touch her so it seems she has some vet anxiety. She does jump on people quite a bit but gets away with it because she's so small. Sencha hasn't lived with children to my knowledge, but she has met both babies and toddler aged children. She reacts the same way to toddlers as other humans and seems relatively at ease, but I can't make any guarantees. The baby she only met for a couple hours but she absolutely loved it! In fact, she was downright enamored and just wanted to be close by and sniff up the baby a bunch. She has shown some very small signs of separation anxiety (like crying at the door if I leave when she's free roaming), but nothing too abnormal there. Overall, she just wants pets and to snuggle humans!

Sencha lives with four other dogs right now and two cats. She is certainly a little afraid of the cats and will sometimes (though rarely) chase after them. However, she generally is seeming a little more comfortable with them and I believe she could live happily with cats with continued guidance to help her be comfortable. She did have a severe eye injury before she came to WI from being scratched by a cat but this has healed completely. She does relatively well with the other dogs she lives with. She doesn't really play with the other dogs but will snuggle them sometimes. She has shown some mild treat/toy/couch space possessiveness with other dogs and may growl at them a little if she's mad. A quick "no" correction has solved any minor problems we've seen, though she has also growled and snapped at me a little twice when I've pushed her off my lap. In those cases, I just picked her up instead of pushing her.

Sencha has tested positive for heartworm disease and has undergone complete treatment for this. She still tests positive as the worms leave her system and will need retesting in 6 months as well as year-round monthly heartworm preventative and annual heartworm testing. All dogs need this, but it will be especially important here. She also has a bit of gingivitis and tartar on her teeth made worse by her underbite so routine brushing would be best and professional cleaning may be needed in the future.

Overall, Sencha is a very spunky and fun little girl who will make a playful and loving companion for dog owners of most experience levels.



