
daschund Mix | male | 3 Years Old | 30 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Can free roam when alone!

✔️ Walks well on leash! ✔️ Great running buddy! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!


Officially adopted on September 1, 2020!

Leo is an easy-going guy who doesn't ask for much in life. He loves his sleep! His perfect day is spent alternating between his crate, a spot under an end table, and choosing a bathmat over any other rug in the house. He's never had an accident in our home and also doesn't ask to go outside -- he's totally flexible with whatever your schedule is that day. He enjoys a good walk, a good nap, and hanging out with his people or another dog friend.

Leo has been very friendly with all the adults he's met and will shamelessly ask for pets. He has not personally met children while in his foster home, but he hasn't had any opinions about the children we've passed on walks who are riding bikes or playing outside.

If "sleep" were an energy level, Leo would be off the charts. :) Given the choice between napping, playing with a canine foster sibling, or going for a walk -- that nap will win every time. But, once his leash is on, he's ready to go! We usually walk a mile or two a day and that's good enough for him.

Leo lives currently in a home with other dogs and everyone coexists very well. These pups range from three months to six years -- he mostly prefers to watch them play, but he will join in from time-to-time. He has not yet met cats in his foster home; if you have cats, Fetch will happily cat test him and let you know how he does!

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, Leo has no qualms about being home alone as long as he has a comfy spot to nap! He's been both crated and allowed to free roam while the humans were away and every time he's curled up and fast asleep the entire time we're gone.

Leo is a low-key, laid-back guy who's just looking for lots of love, pets, and cozy napping spots!



