
Lab Mix | male | 5 years Old | 55 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Can free roam when left alone! ❌ No apartments! ❌ Would prefer to be an only dog!

Scooby found his forever home on February 23, 2022!



Scooby has been doing great around the house. He happily is a couch potato most of the day and then likes to run around in the backyard chasing a toy or tennis ball. Scooby is not a fan of the cold and prefers to stay indoors when it gets chilly outside. He happily runs around inside between two people to run out his energy when he doesn't want to go outside. Scooby likes chewing on a nylabone during the day and occasionally will play with other toys, but he has never gotten into anything he shouldn't and is super well-behaved.

While Scooby doesn't love the cold, he does love the snow and thinks it's the most delicious snack in the entire world. Speaking of snacks, Scooby loves all snacks and is willing to take bribes for tricks. Scooby can currently Sit, Lay Down, Stay, Leave it, Jump up and Jump Off of furniture. He is super smart and picks up commands very quickly.

Scooby continues to do great around the cats and loves all people. He does great going on walks with other dogs but still prefers to be the only dog in the house.


Scooby sleeps in his crate until we wake him up, around 8-9 am. He likes to immediately go outside for a bathroom break before coming back inside for breakfast. He will sit in his crate and wait for me to get his breakfast together. During the day, Scooby hangs out in the bedroom where his crate is and mostly sleeps on a bed on the floor or in his crate. He does great free-roaming his room and has never gotten into anything he shouldn't. He is pretty low-energy in the house but loves to run and zoom outside. He is fully potty trained and hasn't had any accidents. He will ask to go outside by standing by the back door or ringing the bells on the back door. He is content to lay on a dog bed while I work from home or hang out in his crate if I'm away. He is a fantastic medium-low energy dog in our house. Scooby is super smart and knows “sit” and “paw” super well. He has also picked up “lay down,” “stay,” and “place” very quickly. He is super food motivated and eager to please his humans.

Scooby loves all people. No one is a stranger and he thinks everyone should be petting him at all times.

Scooby was around kids in his southern foster and his southern foster says he loves kids, but he has not been around kids since coming to WI.

Scooby has done great with learning to walk well on a leash. We currently walk him with a prong collar as he is super strong and will try to pull too hard if just on a collar or harness. Exercise-wise he loves a good walk each day and will occasionally run around in the backyard but otherwise, he is pretty lazy.

Scooby is interested in other dogs and is friendly as long as no one is receiving pets/attention. He does best with slower introductions to new dogs. Outside he walks great with our resident dog and they both love sniffing everything on walks. In the backyard, they have played very well together and Scooby loves to chase and wrestle other dogs in the backyard. He can become aggressive if another dog is receiving attention. He is possessive of his humans.

Scooby has been around cats at his southern foster and in our home. Initially, he ignored the cats in our house, but now he likes to sniff them and say hello. The cats occasionally have to tell him they don't want to play.

Scooby does fantastic when alone. If he can hear us in the house he might let out a bark or two, but as soon as we are gone he settles down and naps until we get home. He has never gotten into anything he shouldn't and happily naps in his crate or his room. We like to keep an eye on our dogs with a nanny cam, and Scooby spends all day napping if left alone.

Scooby was positive for Anaplasma, a tick-borne disease, in mid-December but is not showing any clinical signs. A positive result for Anaplasma just indicates antibodies to this bacteria, not necessarily active infection. Per our rescue protocol, she is currently being given a round of antibiotics. Scooby was previously treated for heartworm but has since tested negative. Scooby does have some tartar accumulation present, and may benefit from a dental in the next 12 months.

Scooby would do best in a home as an only dog or with an owner who is prepared to set boundaries. Some of the boundaries we are working on in his foster home are not being allowed on the furniture and not being given lots of pets until he learns some boundaries. Both of these are helping him learn his place in the house so that he can cohabitate with other dogs. He is a very sweet and gentle dog otherwise and will make a very loving companion.



