
Terrier Mix | male | 1 year Old | 30 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Housebroken! ❌ Working on leash manners!

Beau found his forever home on March 24, 2022!



Beau has settled in well with our family and is delightful to have around. He continues to be very affectionate and loves to play. He now lets us know he wants to play by bringing us a toy and then putting a paw on us, challenging us to try to take the toy from him. He is potty trained and will let us know that he needs to go out by going to the door. If we don't notice, he'll bark so we do!

Beau has not been at all bothered by cold or snow and still enjoys two walks each day. He continues preferring to sleep cuddled up next to a person (he's not particular about who), but he has also been good about being crated when we occasionally need to leave him home alone. He's a great coworker, too, hanging out while others work at home during the day.


Beau recently had a chance to interact several times with a 7 year old and did very well playing with her. He also still enjoys seeing other dogs while we're on walks, and we hope he'll have some opportunities to socialize as the weather improves. He'll be a great dog for someone looking for a young, energetic friend!

Beau wakes up around 7 am, goes outside immediately, and then comes back in for breakfast. After he eats, he'll usually snuggle on the couch for another hour before we go for a 30 minute walk. I work from home, and he hangs out all day, snoozing with occasional breaks for playing and quick trips outside. Beau eats dinner around 5 pm and usually plays with toys until we go for another 30-40 minute walk around 6 pm. He plays with toys and is a champion snuggler for the rest of the evening. He goes outside a final time around 10 pm and sleeps after that. Beau will grudgingly sleep in his crate but greatly prefers sleeping right next to a human.

Beau is very friendly to everyone. His tail is always wagging. He will bark hello to other dogs and people. Beau thinks everyone is a friend, and I'm pretty sure he'd go into any house or car if given the opportunity!

He has not had exposure to children or cats while in my care.

Beau is a medium energy dog, but he does need his two 1 to 1.5 mile walks per day and would probably take a third walk if given the opportunity. Beau is young and still has some puppy energy and is still working on training. He does pretty well on a leash but will pull or zig zag while walking if he's excited. Beau also asks for playtime occasionally throughout the day, barking for attention and either bringing a toy or challenging us to play with him.

We've only interacted with other dogs while out walking. Beau is very curious about other dogs and wants to approach them. He has had the chance to sniff a couple other dogs and seemed to do well, but the environment was very controlled.

While he is potty trained, we have had some incidents with him marking, particularly during the first week he was with us. He has done better since being kept on a schedule of us taking him outdoors every 2-3 hours.

Beau has cried or complained when initially left in his crate, but he does calm down. He has been overjoyed to be let out when we've come home. Beau hasn't been left alone any longer than 4 hours. He has some separation anxiety and would be better in a home where he's not crated and left alone for long periods of time or for his new family to work with him on overcoming it.

Beau is a young, funny, happy guy who loves people and wants to be near them all the time. He is very food motivated and loves engaging in play. Beau will be a great dog for someone!




Sugar Snap Pea