
Chihuahua Mix | male | 6 years Old | 6 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Can free roam when alone! ✔️ Good in car!

✔️ Walks well on leash! ✔️ Could live in an apartment! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!


May 12th marks Samson’s adoption day!

Samson quickly earned the nickname “Sweet Sammy” in his current foster home, as he’s such a sweet little guy.  Like most chihuahuas, he loves to snuggle and be under some warm blankets next to his humans.  Sammy is generally a pretty chill guy, but he does enjoy going for walks and can keep up with the “big dogs.”  We’ve taken him on walks of a few miles and he does great.  He gets really excited when he sees his leash as he loves getting out and about!

Sammy currently lives with his foster parents, a toddler and several other dogs.  He does ok with our toddler, but if she’s too active around him he barks at her.  Given this and his small size, he would probably feel more comfortable in a home with older kids or no kids.  As we have two dogs of our own and also do some doggy daycare, he’s been exposed to lots of dogs of all ages, sizes and activity levels.  He does ok with the other dogs in the house, but he has a bit of a napoleon complex and tries to boss them around.  Like our toddler, he doesn’t like it when the other dogs in the house are too active in his space and he will bark at them to stop (they don’t usually listen).  Sammy would likely prefer a forever home where he is the only dog or where the other dogs in the house are calm or at least stay out of his space.  He’s been in our foster home for a month, and he hasn’t shown any interest in playing with other dogs.

Sammy has been awesome at potty training! And he does handstands while he goes potty! Yes, you read that correctly.  You have to see it to believe it – it’s a very unusual habit!

He’s also great in his crate, which is where he sleeps most nights.  He sometimes chooses to hang out in his crate during the day as well for naps.  He got a spoiled a few nights and got to sleep in bed with the humans.  He was a great sleep buddy! If you are looking for a dog that can comfortably sleep in the bed without disturbing your sleep, Sammy is that guy.  

Sammy came to Fetch with pretty bad teeth and as a result, has had most of his teeth removed soon after his arrival to Wisconsin (he has 4 remaining teeth).  This is very typical of small breed dogs but it should not affect his long term health and he can (and should) still eat hard kibble to preserve the teeth has left.   However, in all likelihood, at some point he will need these remaining teeth removed, so this is a future expense an adopter should be aware of.   Sammy is currently 6 years old – this is fairly young for a chihuahua! Sammy could easily live another 10 years, so any potential adopter should be in it for the long haul. 

Sammy is a low to medium energy guy looking for a relatively quiet home where he can be spoiled!



