
dachshund Mix | male | 4 years Old | 16 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with dogs! ✔️ Good with adults! ✔️ Walks well on leash! ❌ No apartments!


Daxter found his family May 12, 2021!


Daxter is doing great! He is a real head-turner when out on walks... everyone wants to meet him, and he wants to meet everyone. He is also doing much better adjusting to our daily schedules. He does not bark as much when left in the crate, but he still does some whining. The barking seems to be improving and we have been working on getting him used to being in the crate more. He does still pee a small amount when excited. It used to happen most mornings when I took him out of the crate, but now it seems to only happen sometimes when I come back home after being out of the house.

Daxter does still bark when people are at the front door/walking in. Daxter has also had plenty of new interactions with dogs of different sizes and he has done well with most of them. He is shy/intimidated with larger dogs at first but seems to co-exist with them after meeting them.

Daxter still has bad breath so I have started adding a liquid tartar remover to his water and we are hoping it will freshen his breath. Daxter is doing very well and has been loving life.

He is a smart guy! He knows to go in his crate and to get on/off the couch just by pointing with a command. Daxter knows sit.

When out on walks, Daxter will follow his nose and his ears turn off. His nose goes straight down into the ground, and he is smelling everything. It’s best to keep him on a short leash and then he’s a decent walker.

He absolutely loves squeaky toys and loves playing fetch or tug-of-war. Daxter has lots of different toys he plays with, but always goes for the squeaky ones. We discovered that he loves playing with balloons! Daxter will jump up and use his nose to punch the balloon into the air and tries to keep it from touching the ground as if he were a circus animal. He will do this for a long time and barks when he can't reach the balloon (Note: we only let him do this under careful supervision because he eventually pops the balloon, and we don't want him to eat it, but he has never attempted to).\

Daxter does get carsick. We initially thought this was for longer car rides, but he has gotten carsick and vomited multiple times when driving with me on short errands. If he does have to drive with me somewhere, I make sure Daxter doesn't have a full stomach. 


Daxter is a funny and loving goofball. He has the most adorable multi-colored eyes and loves to prance around with his tiny legs. He has a passion for smelling everything in his environment and loves exploring outside. Daxter loves playing with his humans and will be sure to beat you in a game of tug-of-war. He is obsessed with his squeaky toys and will even stand on his short back legs to get the toy from you. When not having the time of his life with his toys, he will hop up on the couch and snuggle right next to you or right on your lap. He loves his belly rubs and the mandatory ear scratches. He is a silly goofball who thinks he's bigger than he really is but will still never pass up an opportunity to cuddle.

When waking up, I take Daxter outside to potty. After that, I give him breakfast around 9am. I take him out for walks every 2-3 hours. Daxter gets a Greenies/Dentastix dental treat once per day. My roommates and I play with him and his toys. When watching TV or doing work, Daxter just sleeps on my lap, the couch, or a dog bed. Around 6pm, I give him dinner. I take him out to potty one last time before bed. He sleeps in his crate or on the floor of my bedroom on his dog bed.

Daxter does well around people he trusts. He is wary of strangers and will bark to alert us that someone is arriving. He barks at new people a lot, but his tail is wagging the whole time, so it is not aggressive barking. It seems like he barks because he wants attention from the new people. Daxter has not met children in his foster home.

I would consider Daxter medium energy. He loves to play and explore outside. When inside, he loves to cuddle next to your or on your lap and sleep. Daxter is a great snuggler and loves to be by people.

He has been introduced to two of my friend's dogs. They were both small dogs and he did fine with them. Daxter barks at larger dogs when on walks but hasn't had real exposure to larger sized dogs.  Daxter does not have any cats in his foster home.

Daxter whines and barks a lot. He has become very loyal to me specifically. When left alone with roommates, Daxter will whine and bark but eventually stop. When left alone in his crate, he seems to whine and bark the whole time.

Daxter is a very sweet and loving dog. He is essentially potty trained expect for accidents inside when he gets excited.  He does okay on leash. He will bite/nip if he feels threatened, this has happened when he is unexpectedly picked up. His barking can be an issue for someone living in an apartment since he barks a lot. He loves to cuddle and is a great lap dog. He is also very funny and silly which brings a lot of joy to me and my roommates.



