
Cur/Bulldog Mix | Female | 8 months Old | 41 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Loves to snuggle! ❌ No apartments!

Ruby found her forever home on February 4, 2022!



Ruby has been keeping herself very busy. Between playtime with her foster siblings and snuggles with the humans, Ruby has been having training sessions nearly every day (where she earns either her breakfast or dinner) to help her learn manners and structure. She absolutely loves training and is smart as a whip. Aside from the sit, down, touch and wait she already knew, we have started teaching her the place command. This command is very useful for excitable pups like Ruby and she has picked it up very quickly. She has been able to hold "place" for about ten minutes with distractions such as the cat batting at her tail, the humans moving around and other dogs being in the same space working on training skills. She loves to train and is very food motivated so she would be an excellent dog to teach agility or more advanced tricks to.

She has also started attending daycare a few days a week. She loves to play all day with the different pups and is learning so much from the exposure to a variety of dogs.

I am so shocked that Ruby has been around this long. She is a wonderful, smart and trainable pup that just loves snuggling her people more than anything.


Ruby had a wonderful holiday, spending time with her favorite friends (canine, feline and humans alike). The longer she spends in her foster home, the more affectionate she becomes. She absolutely loves snuggling her foster people and will do whatever it takes to get as close as possible to them, even if it means crawling over a couchful of other pups to get there or having to plop down in really awkward positions.

Ruby has really improved on leash. When walked on the prong collar, she does not bark at other people or dogs she sees at all. Even when we pass leash-reactive dogs in the neighborhood that are barking at her, she might stop to look at them but doesn't bark and easily keeps moving with a quick verbal reminder. She is much less of a tripping risk as well, as she has gained more confidence walking on leash and chooses to walk out ahead of us a bit more than she did before.

On a recent colder day, we brought Ruby to Home Depot for her walk. She was in heaven, readily approaching all of the people she could find for any sort of pet, pat or scritch they were willing to give her. She also met a younger child there (about 3 or 4 years old) and was very willing to accept pets from her. We did hold her collar to keep her from jumping up, which she tried to do once, but she was otherwise very gentle and sweet with her.

When Ruby isn't snuggling the humans, she loves to play fetch. She could fetch until your arms falls off so if you are looking for a pup to have some fun with, Ruby is your girl!

Check out this album of Ruby and her favorite things - walking, fetching and snuggling!


Sweet Ruby girl is checking in to let you know what she has been up to. She has been a busy girl, having lots of adventures. She loves to play with her puppy friends and chomping on all the toys she can find. She is the absolute best snuggler and with the chillier weather she has been loving all the time curled up next to her people.

Ruby tolerates sweaters very well so she has been exploring her fashion sense a bit. She doesn't love the cold so unless she has a friend to chase outside, she is quick in and out to potty. Her UTI has resolved and she hasn't had an accident in about a week, as long as we are diligent about letting her out on a schedule. Her potty signals are also getting more clear which definitely helps to know when she needs to go out.

We also recently had some guests visit in our home and Ruby did so well. She barked when they first came in but she was very excited to meet them and to show them what a doll she is. She did jump up a little bit at first but settled in, splitting her time between playing with her toys and asking them for pets. She ended her night by squeezing between them on the couch for some snuggles and belly rubs.

She has been hearing the other pups chatting about Santa Paws. She knows she has been a very good girl this year and is hopeful that he will bring her a forever family for Christmas.


Meet Ruby! This sweet pup has such a zest for life. She enjoys every moment, whether it be playing with other dogs, chewing on toys or snuggling by her people. She is a top notch snuggler and her adorable underbite will seal the deal in winning you over.

Ruby was found as a stray in Louisiana with a bad case of mange. She was in foster care in Louisiana, getting healthy, since early September before coming up to Wisconsin mid-November. Her skin looks great now and all of her fur has grown back beautifully.

Ruby is a very typical 7 month old puppy. She spends her days practicing crate training, playing and exploring outside, emptying out the toy box, playing chase with her foster siblings and taking long naps on the couch with her canine friends as the evening winds down. She is a sweet and affectionate gal that loves to snuggle with her people.

Ruby has been doing well with potty training. She has had some accidents (usually no more than one a day) but she is currently being treated for a mild UTI so that could be a contributing factor. She hasn't had any accidents in the crate and if kept on a schedule she does well. She does ok with being crated but will sometimes whine for a bit before she settles in. She is crated in an adjacent room while I work and stays pretty quiet. She is crated for around 4 hours at a time with a long break at lunch and does well with that schedule. Overnight, she sleeps in the crate across the bedroom from me and settles in very quickly. She snores loudly through the night (7 hours) without breaks.

Ruby is a friendly little lady that loves making new friends. She settled in very quickly with her foster folks and did great with the staff at the vet clinic. She is a vocal gal and will bark when she first sees people but does fine when she is close enough to greet the person. Ruby does not have kids in her current foster home. She is a pretty excitable pup and can jump up/get a little mouthy when excited so I would suggest no young kids as she will need practice being calm and learning boundaries.

She currently has two adult dogs in her foster home and a puppy playmate. Ruby LOVES dog friends and having pals to run around with. She loves playing chase and wrestling with pals. She warmed up quickly to her new friends and does great sharing toys and eating spaces. She is vocal when she plays and does play a little rough so that might be a bit overwhelming for some dogs. She met a smaller dog (half her size) that did not appreciate her energy/exuberance and after a quick growl from him she gave him space.

Ruby does have two kitties in her foster home. Like with most things, Ruby is excited about the kitties. She can be a bit overzealous with the cats and will chase them. She could do ok in a home with cats but would need redirection and work on boundary setting to be really successful.

Ruby gets most of her energy out playing with toys, sniffing around the yard and playing with the other pups in her foster home. She is a higher energy gal that will need outlets for that energy but also enjoys long naps after play time. She does pretty well on leash. She will bark when she sees other dogs and people on walks but the use of a prong collar has curbed that nearly 100%. She does veer in front of the handler on walks, so we have been walking her in a heel on her walks and that helps tremendously in preventing getting tripped up. She is a great activity partner and with a little training, she could be a great running buddy. She is very food motivated and picks up training quickly. She already knows the commands sit, down, wait and touch and is eager to learn more! She does pretty well in the car and would love to go on adventures with her people. She does bark a bit in the car if she sees people while we are parked but wearing the prong collar for car trips could mitigate that.

Ruby is still a curious puppy so we crate her when we leave to avoid her finding shoes, cords or rugs to chew on. She does whine a bit at first once crated but eventually settles in. She is a vocal pup and will bark when she hears someone come in the front door or if she hears sounds outside so I would suggest a home without shared walls.

Overall Ruby is a healthy girl. Her skin has cleared up nicely and the vet has no concerns with her skin health. She is currently being treated for a urinary tract infection and will need a recheck following her meds to ensure that has cleared up. The vet did note she has an ocular dermoid in one eye which is just a growth of tissue. Typically these are fine to just monitor with your vet and treat with artificial tears to flush irritants and provide lubrication to the eye. While Ruby's underbite is adorable, it does indicate an abnormal conformation of her lower jaw and as a result, some of her teeth are growing in incorrectly. She eats and drinks just fine and chews on toys without a problem but an adopter will just need to monitor her teeth at regular vet visits for issues associated with overcrowding.

We have loved having this spunky girl in our home and can't wait to find her a forever family that will love her like crazy!



