
Boxer Mix | MALE | 10 months Old | 54 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good with kids! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Okay for beginner dog owner ✔️ Good in the car! ❌ No apartments!

Ramone found his forever home on December 14, 2021!

Check out a video of Ramone attempting to play fetch here as well as a video of him being reunited with one of his littermates!



Ramone’s cat test went well. He saw her and didn't go after her in the window. When she jumped to the ground he didn't chase her or follow her. He was curious when I encouraged him to meet her. She was not receptive to him and swiped at him so he moved away. He tried again about 3 minutes later to smell her. Once again, a swipe and hiss. He was all done and understood the message. He left the room but his tail wagged the whole time. He was not apprehensive or aggressive at all. He will need his play monitored because he WILL want to play with cats but we didn't see any signs of aggression. He will need training to help him understand how to coexist with cats but as long as you are committed to that, he could live in a home with cats.


If you need a snuggle buddy….THIS is your guy!! It’s getting cold outside and he loves to snuggle on the couch and watch movies and be loved! He LOVES attention but doesn’t have to have it at all times. He has settled in nicely. He crates well for 4 hours (I haven’t tried longer) and barks a little when I leave or when I come back but learning to settle and wait for release. He has had no reactivity to meeting new people since the initial weekend he arrived. My neighbors love him!
He is improving with commands sit, come, down, wait, settle and leave it. As always, he is great with kids. He chews on appropriate toys and does well choosing to not chew on inappropriate things. Since stuffed toys will be destroyed, he does better with super chew toys. My dogs do too. ;)

He is a gem that learns quickly and likes to be part of a family. He does well with other dogs and enjoys playing with them. He loves an active home as well as quiet time.


Ramone is feeling settled now and we had a large number of people (all ages, male/female) in and out of the house working on Christmas lights and not one reaction. Happily met people with his waggy tail and allowed petting. He also had an opportunity to have a play date with his sibling. They had a great time. He is learning new commands and expectations. He likes activity and the attention of people in our home. We worked very hard on meeting new people and giving him opportunities for success in this area. Everyone loves him!!


Ramone gets up at 6am with my dogs, goes out to go potty and comes back in to eat. He goes out right after he eats to do his business. He loves to play with my younger dog but he is a bit large for him. He leaves my 9-year-old golden retriever alone. He likes to be by me wherever I am. If I am out front, I leave the door open so he can see me through the storm door. We take one or two 1-2 mile walks a day to get rid of puppy energy or play in the back yard. He eats again about 6 pm and crates in our room for bed at 10-11 pm. He is potty trained but sniffing around is the only indicator for go out I have seen or he jumps on me. We have had a couple miscues but we are getting more in sync now.

Ramone was adopted at 8 weeks, from a litter born to Fetch, in March 2021. He was returned because the adopters felt they didn’t have enough time to spend on a young dog. He is a wonderful dog. He knows some commands and we are working on building his confidence and helping him gain lots of new experiences. He is in the heavy chewing phase of being a teenage dog and is learning to release his puppy energy with the appropriate toys.

We are working on getting Ramone socialized with more people. He tends to growl when meeting new people, men and women alike. We have intensely been working on this and he will readily take treats from others and then be open to a pet in 5 minutes. He’s all in for love and attention within 10 minutes of meeting them. He reads your energy extremely well. If you are calm, he calms down right away. He would GREATLY benefit from a training class with people and dogs to help him get over this issue. Once he knows you, he is an absolute lover and cuddler. Everyone falls in love with him.

Although he reacts to adults, Ramone is wonderful with children. He lived with a 10, 8 and 2 year old. He is kind, never jumps and plays well with them. The video is my 5-year-old playing with him on day 2 in my home and he never jumps on him. He does however see them as an easier opportunity for food if they are moving around with a plate :). My grandson tells him “No” loudly and he backs off. He adores children.

Ramone can have his spurts of high energy but he has equally as many low level times. Once he got comfortable here, he naps more restfully. He does have body awareness issues and walks across you on the couch like a 10 pound dog. LOL but he loves you so! He settles well with a 1-2 mile walk and then play time. My 25 pound dog is too small for him. He would be a great second dog with a dog that can help him burn up energy and help him learn dog cues. He does not hurt my dog, I am just afraid pure size will be an issue. His playmate should be 40 pounds or above. I also think he would do better with a home where someone is around or only gone part of the day. He can’t crate 8 hours yet. He had not chewed on anything not appropriate yet but I am vigilant so he may not have had an opportunity.

Ramone does not react to other dogs on walks even though my little dog is a total fool about it. He manages himself and ignores them. He had an opportunity to play with my son’s dog. A large-breed pit/shepherd mix. They went on a pack walk together as an introduction and after that did very well in the backyard playing and interacting.

He has not had the opportunity to interact with cats while I’ve been fostering him.

Ramone is crated when I leave. He was very anxious in the crate but I dip his Nyla bone in peanut butter and he crates up, and works on that while I head out the door. He barks for a few minutes after I leave and we are working on settling down when I come home. He has certain things he needs to do before I open the crate and he is picking that up quickly. He is a dog that needs consistent expectations and he learns. He also loves peanut butter and will focus so much better when that smell is in the area! I have a camera on him and he sleeps while I am gone. He also chews on his Nylabone or licks frozen peanut butter out of a Kong.

Ramone is an amazingly quick learner who needs someone who will give him a great forever home. He is loving and fun. He is sweet and amazing with children. He loves to play and wants to make you happy. He will need to go to dog classes for the socialization. I think he would love doggie daycare. He can get over any issues because I have seen a tremendous improvement in the short time I have had him. If my son had room for another dog, this posting would not be happening! He has a loud bark. This is why I put no apartments. If you want a dog for protection, that bark will do it. He deserves a family that will love him for the rest of his life.



