
Labrador Retreiver Mix | Female | 3 months Old | 18 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs ✔️ Good with cats! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Walks well on leash!

✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ❌ Working on crate training!


Officially adopted on November 22, 2020!

Ramonda wakes up around 6:00am wanting to go potty. After being let out, she'll typically go right back to sleep until 8:00 or 9:00am when she gets breakfast. Ramonda will nap and play on and off throughout the day while I'm working. She's great at entertaining herself with a bone or toy. Ramonda eats lunch around 1:00pm and goes for about a 30-minute walk in the afternoon. She loves to be near her humans and enjoys lots of play time in the evening. Once she's tired out, she'll plop down on your lap and go to sleep. Ramonda LOVES to cuddle and get nice and cozy with her people. She eats dinner around 6:00pm and is crated for the night between 9:00 and 10:00pm. I usually toss a treat in her crate and she'll go in without issue. If she's not feeling tired, she may let out a few whimpers but more often than not she will settle in quietly. She will sleep through the night (7-8 hours) before needing to be let out to potty.

She loves people and is eager to approach everyone she sees. Ramonda happily greets any visitors in the house and loves to people watch outside. If people notice/react to her, her tail immediately starts wagging and she wants to say hello!  Ramonda has not had any exposure to children.

Ramonda is a high energy puppy who loves to run around and play. We've started going on 1-2 walks per day and she's getting the hang of leash walking. She is a very curious and aware puppy so we end up making occasional stops so she can sniff a tree or watch another dog across the street. I've found it helpful to bring small treats on our walks to keep her focused. Ramonda does not have a yard in her foster home, so she would likely need walks less frequently if she had her own outdoor space to burn some energy.

She loves to play with her humans indoors as well. Her favorite games are fetch and tug. She is a teething puppy so when she's riled up she wants to chew on anything and everything, including her humans. You can redirect her pretty easily with a toy, but she will need further training on chewing non-toys.

Ramonda is the only dog in the house currently but has interacted with other dogs on walks. She initially was a little intimidated by other dogs and would approach with cautious optimism, but she is becoming more comfortable as she meets more dogs. She is very playful with other dogs that are her age/size but will get nervous if a bigger dog gets too playful with her. As she grows, I think she will become more confident with these interactions. She's a pretty passive dog and will usually let the other dog take the lead.

She lives with a cat currently and is good with her. She initially was very excited to meet the cat and wanted to get close for a smell. She was corrected by the cat and now keeps a safe distance but will still wag her tail when kitty enters the room. She is still interested and excited by the cat, but no longer gets too close.

Ramonda is put in her crate when she's alone to avoid chewing on non-toys. She does have some separation anxiety and will cry in the crate when she is left alone.

Ramonda is a playful, cuddly, sweet puppy who would be a great addition to a loving home. She'll melt your heart in an instant and be a loyal companion with lots of love to give :)



