
Labrador Retriever Mix | Female | 2 years Old | 55 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with adults after slow intros! ✔️ Good with other dogs and kids! ✔️ Crate trained!

✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Good running buddy! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!


Jasmine sealed the deal on November 21, 2020!

Jasmine starts the morning off when I want to wake up, and she's always happily wagging her tail when I come down the stairs to let her out of her crate. We usually get a morning walk in, and then it's home all day for work from home (with some potty breaks in between). Jasmine keeps herself occupied when I'm working -- she stares out the window, chews a toy, and doesn't bother me. She is also a total food grazer. I put all her food for the day out in the morning, and she'll take a few bites here and there. She's yet to finish her food! She usually gets a burst of energy in the evening but doesn't have any negative behaviors associated with it. And then, she's usually asleep on her dog bed until it's time to go outside to potty and then into her crate for the night.

Jasmine tends to love people, but it takes some time for her to warm up to adults. She'll mostly just spook and get away from the person, but then she'll slowly go up and sniff them. She may spook again if they make a sudden movement or are holding something super scary like a rake. But with all adults, she's eventually warmed up to them.

She adores children! So far she's only met neighbor kids on short walks around the neighborhood, but she turns into a completely different dog when she meets them! She gets extra playful, rolls around in the grass, shows her belly, curls up with them on the ground — all kinds of things Jasmine doesn't do when she's alone with just me. Of course, any kids she meets should be with supervised interactions, since she doesn't have enough interactions for me to say she's perfect with all kids no matter what. But so far she has been not just okay, but great, with kids.

Jasmine is a pretty high energy pup. She recently finished up heartworm treatment and no longer has any exercise restrictions. Mostly, I call her high energy because she doesn't sleep nearly as much as other dogs I've had. A great day for her is spent staring out the window for hours. She is ready to enjoy long walks or take hiking or anything outside-- she'll definitely keep up! Jasmine is working on her leash pulling, and would greatly benefit from an Easy Walk harness (I don't have one small enough for her, but I think if she had one she'd be a great walker).

She really likes meeting other dogs, but she can also take 'em or leave 'em. She's only met dogs on leash in the neighborhood, and she either sniffs and tries to play a little, or she gets scared that they bark at her and she's done. Our neighbor's dog is pretty dog aggressive and barks and barks at Jasmine in the backyard and gets up on the fence to look over into our yard at Jasmine, and Jasmine just ignores her...or, gets scared and runs inside.

Jasmine has not met a cat.

She is crated when left alone, and she's getting better and better each day in her crate. Jasmine definitely cries/whines/barks some when I leave (I often spy on her with the Dog Monitor app), but she has been calming down more and more quickly. I don't know if she'd be okay left alone uncrated. She's so good in the house with little supervision when I am home, but that doesn't mean she won't cause trouble when left alone. And, since crating is going pretty well, I just keep her in it.

Jasmine has been such a pleasure to have around the past few weeks! She's by far one of the sweetest, smartest, and most stubborn dogs I've ever fostered, and one of the easiest, too. I say smart and stubborn because she's figured out my patterns already, and she will try to do what she wants. For example, if I need to put her in her crate to leave? Oh, that's a fun game, isn't it?! I've had to adapt a little to get her to do what I want, and I would suggest her forever home take her to training classes to help build trust and a bond, and to teach her that she's not in charge. Jasmine is also trying so hard to be a brave dog, but she spooks at a lot of things. I can tell she's becoming much more comfortable inside our house, but new situations and surroundings and noises sound the alarm for her. She will learn to love and trust her forever family in no time, I am sure of it, but she also needs them to be patient with her and help build her confidence.



