
Great Pyrenees | male | 1.25 years Old | 73 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good with cats! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Potty trained! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ✔️ Good running buddy!✔️ Kids over 10 yrs old ❌ No apartments!

Ralph found his family on 9/28/2022!



Ralph has a new favorite hobby: running! While he is an expert lounger most of the day, he is also a fantastic running buddy! Ralph is training his human foster dad for an upcoming half marathon. When asked if he wants to go for a run, Ralph will go to the door and sit nice for his pinch collar and leash. In general, he has become a much better listener that is easily redirected. He really is a smart, fun goofball that learns quickly!


Ralph continues to learn and improve!

In the last couple of weeks, Ralph (or Ralphie, as he prefers) has finally agreed to sit on command! He has been a bit stubborn with this one, but now is happy to sit for a treat, or to get leash-clipped for a walk or run. Ralph has also been sleeping in his crate in his own room with very little to no whining. We have been feeding him in his crate, and he has grown more comfortable hanging out in his ‘house.’ While he does just fine on car rides, he will usually choose his ‘house’ over a car ride.

Ralph also came to us very fearful of most noises. Now, he is able to ignore the vacuum (as long as it doesn’t get too close), coffee grinder, and usual clinging of pots and pans when cooking.

While these may seem like little things, every small step is a big deal for young pups. Watching him improve a little each day demonstrates what he is capable of, and this fluff-ball has a bright future!


Ralph (or Ralphie) gets up around 7 am once the family starts moving around. He prefers to sleep in s bedroom floor, and will scratch at the door (would do well with a bell) when he’s ready to come out. Ralph will go outside, then come in to eat breakfast. Ralph is pretty relaxed with his wfh ‘mom’ much of day, coming in and out the doggie door as desired, but snoozing much of day. After playing with the resident dogs a bit and going for a quick after-lunch stroll, the family comes home and Ralph us ready to play a bit! Dinner, a run, zoomies, and some more playtime; and Ralph is ready for bed! He will go and lay outside his bedroom or near the family to relax before retiring for the day.

Ralph is good with people, but will sometimes jump up when excited. Due to his size, he can get his paws on an adult’s shoulders. He will also sometimes mouth ankles (as if you are a dog) when playing. He is working on controlling his excitement when meeting new people, and does well outside the home when approached. He is very sweet and seems to like everyone, but is still learning what is appropriate. Because of this, he would do better in a home with children over 10.

We do have a 6 and 10 year old in the house, and Ralphie LOVES them. He is a great snuggler and does well with children, but because he is still figuring out how big he is and working on basic manners, small children could easily get knocked over or hurt. He will sometimes mouth ankles when playful and excited as if it’s a game (and you are another dog).

Ralph is medium energy. He loves to play and run around, but also happy to spend much of the day with a chew, puzzle toy, or napping. He does okay on a leash, but would benefit from a puppy class, as he continues to struggle with ‘sit,’ ‘stay,’ ‘come,’ etc. He is very scared of loud noises, and has a flight response when triggered. He really likes people and loves to greet other dogs and people when out walking, but otherwise is happy to keep pace next to his human when walking or running.

Ralph is great with other dogs. Playful and not aggressive or guarding. He will do well with other dogs, but would also be very happy with just him and his humans.

We have 2 cats, and Ralph ignores them most of the time. He will sometimes try to play with them, but doesn’t chase and is not prey driven.

Ralph needs to be crated when left alone. He is crate and house trained.

Ralph is a great dog that has some puppy habits he is working on. He will counter surf if he smells or sees something of interest (his nose is counter height). Ralph will chew wooden corners, legs, and arms; wooden toys; rolls of tape; stuffed toys; books; etc. He was also a stray dog before moving up to the Northwoods, and he has a fear of loud noises. He is a smart dog that is easily bored, but he really enjoys puzzles and complex chew toys. He recently learned his name, and will usually come when called (especially if a treat is involved). He loves walks, people, and dogs. Ralph has some separation anxiety, but will settle in his crate once you are gone and does not try to break out. He does prefer to be with his people, and will bark when crated if he hears people. He will also bark at passerby’s, so he is not an ideal dog for an apartment. His ideal home would have a fenced in yard (he has not tried to jump our 4.5 ft fence and does not dig), but he does fine on a tie-out or with regular walks. A quieter neighborhood or area is needed, as loud noises will make him very anxious.




Jane Doe