Jane Doe

Lab/Great Pyrenees Mix | Female | 8 Years Old | 65 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with cats! ✔️ Good with kids! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Can free roam when alone! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ✔️ Could live in an apartment! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Walks well on leash!

Jane Doe found her family on 9/22/2022!


Jane is enjoying retirement age and has been affectionately nicknamed "Lazy Jane"! She happily sleeps until 8 or 9 and takes some time to wander out of her crate once it's opened. After some water and breakfast, Jane typically takes a short walk. The majority of the rest of the day is spent snoozing and snuggling with her humans. She take a longer late afternoon walk and is let out again once before bedtime around 11pm.

Jane loves everybody! She's met lots of adults of all sizes and genders and has been friendly and calm with all of them. Jane has only met one 9-month old and was very calm, even when the baby poked her in the face (oops!). She hasn't had encounters with older children except for on walks, where she is vaguely interested and calm.

Jane enjoys the quiet life. She has a low energy level and extremely low exercise requirements. She weaves a bit and once in a while pulls on a leash. Jane sometimes needs encouragement to keep going if the walk is 2 miles or longer, but I've noticed improvement in her endurance already. We've had limited encounters with other dogs. She never pulls towards other dogs on walks and only sniffs at them a bit if they approach. We have two cats in our home and Jane has essentially ignored them since being introduced. Even when they're on the same couch or even eating her food (ugh), she couldn't care less.

Jane is perfectly fine being left out to roam when she's alone. She hasn't chewed or scratched anything and has never had an accident. That being said, Jane is sad when her people leave, and often sits near the door until they return.

Jane has nuclear sclerosis, which is a normal aging change in dogs. This can potentially affect vision, but I have not noticed any signs of difficulty. She hasn't run into any walls, clearly recognizes her people, and does stairs without difficulty! Jane has Grade 3-4 dental disease and would benefit from a visit to the dentist. The vet recommended that Jane lose about 5 pounds. She had some whipworms in her poop and is currently taking medication for this (short-term). She also tested positive for anaplasmosis & lyme, tick-borne diseases, but is not showing any clinical signs. Positive results for anaplasmosis & lyme just indicates antibodies to these bacteria, not necessarily active infection. Per our rescue protocol, she is currently being given a round of antibiotics. The transport team was concerned about some possible seizure activity, but I've watched her very closely (I'm a nurse) and haven't noticed any seizure activity. The vet also denied any neurological concerns.

Jane is a near perfect, low-key dream. She would probably do best in a home where people are around most of the day and the environment is generally calm, so she can get her beauty sleep in!



