
Chihuahua Mix | male | 4 months Old | 5 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good with cats! ✔️ Good with kids! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Could live in an apartment! ❌ Working on house training!

Jackson found his family on 9/20/2022!


Jackson starts his mornings around 6:30 to 7am with a wagging tail and lots of excitement! He gets let out of his crate and goes outside to go potty. Breakfast is around 7:30am and he does love his food! After breakfast he likes to play with his foster brothers for a bit, then another trip outside. Around 8am Jackson spends time with his foster mom in her home office while she works. He has plenty of toys, and takes coffee breaks with mom outside to play and potty. He loves to be near his people, and when he is, he is quiet as a mouse! Dinner is around 6pm preceded and followed up with trips outside for play and potty time. After dinner is play time with his foster brothers. He is a gentle play partner and won't hesitate to let his brothers know when they've gone too far! After a little play time, Jackson likes to curl up on his foster mom's lap around 8:30pm and fall asleep. One more time outside around 9:30pm, then he goes into his crate for a good night's sleep!

Jackson loves people of all ages and sizes! As far as he's concerned, more people means more playtime and more cuddles! Jackson lives with a 9 year old kiddo and adores him! He loves to play and cuddle with his human foster sibling. He's also met several children in the neighborhood and plays with them enthusiastically. He has met and interacted with children as young as 4 years old and does very well with them.

As he's still a puppy, Jackson can get the zoomies, especially in the morning. However, he's a medium level energy pup. He loves snuggling into a pile of blankets in his foster mom's office during the day and playing with his toys. Several trips outside during the day to play in the yard help him get his energy out. Because he has a large yard to play in and because he is tiny we don't currently go for walks.

Inside the house Jackson was cautious of his foster brothers at first. Of course, they are so much bigger than he is! Once he made friends with them, he likes to play with them when he can. They get along together very well! Outside the house, Jackson is cautious with dogs walking past. He watches them, and may bark a little bit, but doesn't run to them and isn't reactive.

Jackson has met 1 cat during his foster stay. He had a visit with an adult male cat. Jackson was curious about this alluring creature, but gave the kitty his space while he watched from afar. Towards the end they both started getting a little playful with each other.

Due to his age, Jackson definitely should not be left out in the home alone. Too many interesting things for puppies to get into! When his foster family leaves the house, Jackson goes into his crate with some of his toys. Sometimes he'll whine or bark until his people leave the house because he wants to be with them, but he settles down when they are gone. Jackson is a pup and is mostly potty trained but still needs some work. When presented with the opportunity, he will potty outside, but hasn't learned how to alert to the need to go out to potty yet.

Jackson is such a sweet, cuddly little pup! He really enjoys being around people and does so well with his much bigger furry foster brothers! He would do well in a home where he would have lots of companionship and cuddle time.



