
Mixed breed | Female | 4 months Old | 16 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good with cats! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Walks well on leash!

✔️ Could live in an apartment! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!


Officially adopted on February 20, 2021!

Pumpkin in the sweetest little thing. And her ears are legit, the cutest. She wakes up in the morning, after sleeping a whole night (!) in her crate, and goes out for a quick pee and sometimes a brief walk.  After, she comes in and has some morning snuggles and play with her foster Mom.  Then, it's breakfast and back into the crate for the morning while her foster parents work.  Noon brings lunch and a midday walk, then it's either playtime in the kitchen if she can be supervised, or back to the crate for the afternoon.  After work is over, Pumpkin comes out to hang out with the family in the kitchen.  There's more outdoor time, some playtime, dinner and then some post-dinner snuggles while her family watches a movie.

Pumpkin hasn't met anyone else inside our house because of COVID, but she LOVES meeting new people.  She's way more excited to meet new people than she is to see her foster parents.  She still jumps up on new friends and she will puppy-nip out of excitement.  She needs to learn some manners, but she's a very quick learner.  No exposure to children.

She is a medium energy puppy.  Pumpkin is a total snuggler, but still needs daily exercise to make sure she doesn't have crazy energy to burn.  She loves a good nap and she doesn't need a super long walk or lots of play, just enough to get her energy out after a long day spent lazing around.  She is potty training, and doing very well at it, but we're not all the way there yet. Pumpkin got a rough start walking on a leash, with it being so cold in Wisconsin, but for the short walks we can go on, she does GREAT!  She sometimes leads and she sometimes follows, but overall she's a breeze to trot around the neighborhood.

Pumpkin has only met one other dog so far during her stay with us.  It was a larger dog, who loves puppies, and they were instant best friends.  They played like crazy, ran around and had the best time ever.  Her old foster mom said she was pretty good with other dogs too.

She does great with our cat!  Sometimes she's overly playful or jumpy and scares the cat, and sometimes she'll chase him, but you can tell it's because she just wants someone her size to play with.  

When Pumpkin is alone in her crate, she's honestly pretty great.  She hasn't had an accident in her crate, and she loves going in there.  She doesn't whine (except when she needs to go out) and she sleeps through the night in her crate.  If she's left alone outside of her crate sometimes, she's chill and just sleeps on her bed, sometimes she'll try and chew everything in sight.  She's a puppy though and training on not chewing is going well, it'll just take a moment to get that urge trained out of her.

Pumpkin is a sweetheart: from top to tail, she's just a great little nugget.  She obviously has a couple of puppy-issues to work through (a tendency to nip when overexcited) but she'll make a wonderful companion to whomever gets her.


Bit Bit

