
chihuahua Mix | female | 4 years Old | 5 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs, cats and kids! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Walks well on leash!

✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ❌ Working on potty training!


Congrats to Porsche on her adoption October 14, 2020!

Porsche is a teeny tiny nugget who likes to spend all day and night sleeping or snuggling with you. She has the typical anxious chihuahua personality - even a leaf blowing will catch her attention and scare her, and she will shake and tuck her tail. When I first got her, she was too scared to pee outside and she would hold her pee for 24 hours at a time. Now she is settling in and is very bonded to me but is scared of strangers. She feels safest if she is snuggled up in your lap or in her crate. Unlike most chihuahuas though, she has never barked - not even once. She has the cutest little squeak that she makes when she hears me coming downstairs in the morning to let her out of her crate.

She is shy with new people and will try to hide from them and shake if they pet her. Once she knows you, she wants to be near you all the time, preferably in your lap. If you aren't sitting down, she will go to her crate or find another cozy place to sleep.

We go for a few short walks a day and she walks very well on a leash. She gets excited to go for walks and will prance around my feet, but as soon as we get home she is just as excited to go back to bed. If we are home, she is either sleeping on the couch or in her crate. She doesn't have any interest in playing with other dogs or with toys.

She lives with 3 other dogs and doesn't mind the older two dogs because they ignore her. She is scared of my Shih Tzu puppy because he tries to play with her, so she will go into her crate to hide from him. She would do best as an only dog or with dogs who will leave her alone. She has never been aggressive to other dogs at all, but she does get scared.

She is in her crate when I am gone and just sleeps. She would probably be fine left out, but I crate her to keep the other dogs from bothering her.

We are still working on potty training. She always poops outside, but sometimes she is too scared to relax and pee outside and then she'll have a pee accident in her crate. I would say this happens about twice a week, but I think with a few more weeks of feeling comfortable she'll be 100%!


Fiesta Potato

