
chihuahua Mix | male | 3 months Old | 3 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with cats and kids! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Could live in an apartment!

✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!


Officially adopted on January 31, 2021!

Otto wakes up around 6:30/7 am and spends some time in his playpen while I get ready for work. If it is too cold for him to take a trip outside, he will use the potty pad in his playpen. He either comes to the office with me or spends the day in his playpen napping/chewing on toys, and in the evenings or when I'm otherwise home he likes to chase his ball around and try to play with the cat (who does not like him). He usually spends some time in his bed in his pen around 9/9:30 pm and then I put his bed in his crate for the rest of the night.

Otto loves people and will jump to get their attention when excited. He's little so they're just bunny hops.  He does very well with children and will climb in their laps and doesn't mind when they pick him up and carry him around. He does sometimes play bite.

For most of the day, Otto is a low-medium energy dog, but he has bursts of activity a few times throughout the day. It usually just involves him chasing a ball or dragging a toy around and running back and forth across the room. Otto does not go on many real walks since he gets cold very easily, but he doesn't mind taking a trip around the block. He does okay on a leash but will let you know if he wants to go in a different direction by pulling back.

Otto has had only a few interactions with other dogs while I've had him. If the dog is friendly/non-reactive he gets excited and wants to meet them, but if the dog is barking or pulling to get to him he will bark back and gets scared.

Otto lives with a cat and sometimes tries to engage him, but the cat does not like to play with puppies so after a while Otto will leave him alone.

He is left in a playpen when home alone and he does well, usually just sleeping or chewing on toys. He cries a little before I leave, but if I wait outside, I hear him stop after just a couple minutes.

He is basically a kitten! He's tiny and loves cuddles. He is also extremely smart and learns quickly. He's food-motivated and loves healthy treats like strawberries, blueberries, and broccoli, but also loves the typical dog treats.



