
Rough Collie/Boxer Mix | Male | 10 Months Old | 43 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Potty trained! ✔️ Good in the car! ✔️ Good with older kids! ✔️ Good on leash! ✔️ Crate trained! ❌ Kids over 12 years old!


Odie is happy to announce he was adopted on August 9th! He will even be keeping the name Odie.

Pupdate 3

Odie started pestering me this morning to send a new update on all his progress - and there has been progress! His new trick that he's really excited about is new mastery of the "table" command. He thinks it is super fun to jump onto the back deck chairs (the "table"), sit down, and stare lovingly at his people. Check out a video of Odie on Instagram! He has become a rock star with loose leash walking. He seems to have moved past his fixation on playing leash tug-o-war as he has not instigated that game for some time.

Although he keeps trying to convince us he's all grown up he is not. He still shows puppy antics, which alternate between adorable and frustrating. His puppy playfulness and bounding run are completely adorable. However he still needs work on impulse control, as the recent unprovoked attack on our cucumber plant shows. No dogs were harmed in this unfortunate event, although an undetermined number of cucumbers were prematurely harvested. This is to say that Odie still has work to do, but has all the key ingredients to become an outstanding addition to a fun loving, active family.

Pupdate 2

Odie continues to make excellent progress settling into the routine at his home. He loves to train. In addition to the skills noted in prior updates, he is mastering loose leash walking and recently learned "roll over". We have a large raspberry patch in our yard which he has discovered. He loves to snack on the ripe, and sometimes unripe, fruit! Odie does like a good snuggle and belly rub . We have also discovered that he loves, loves, loves, water! We suspect he will grow into a champion swimmer!

Odie's needs are simple, but require commitment to providing an active home for all the adventures life might bring him. Odie doesn't like to sit still when he's outside. He loves to go to daycare then play in the yard afterwards. Yes, he has that much energy. We've caught him tossing the ball to himself or "herding" his Jolly Ball around the yard. He's a fun loving, active boy that is really a joy. Odie thinks you should meet him.

Pupdate 1

Odie is a high energy, super smart , mischievous puppy who loves everyone, human and dog, that he meets. He has quickly learned basic commands like sit, down, and come. He improves daily with "drop it" and "wait "at the door. Being a puppy, and a clever one at that, he can get into trouble. To keep him out of trouble he is crated when we can't watch him (and to mimic life when we aren't working from home). He goes happily into his crate and settles down in a couple minutes. Right now he's pretty mouthy. For this reason we don't recommend him for a home with kids under 12. Along this line, he likes to entertain himself by shredding and attempting to eat his dog bed, so he can't have bedding in his crate. On walks, he will start a game of leash tug-o-war, although this is lessening as he improves with his "drop it" command. As these behaviors show, Odie needs a family willing to take the time to teach him some rules and give him the exercise he requires. Going to obedience classes and on adventures like hiking, dog park trips, and running will help make this amazingly sweet dog into the best family member and companion one can imagine.

Even with all this puppy and breed specific energy, Odie can settle and loves to snuggle, especially if it evolves belly rubs. His goofy personality is infused with a zest for life and he is a very happy go lucky kind of guy that is able to relax on the back deck with his foster dog siblings.



