
beagle Mix | male | 7 years Old | 27 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs and kids! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Can free roam when alone! ✔️ Good in car!

✔️ Walks well on leash! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!


Norman the beagle was adopted June 9!

Norman greets us with a friendly hello every morning. During the week he goes out at about 5:30 am when we leave for work. On the weekends if we are not out of bed by 7 am, he will let us know he needs to go potty which is a full 9-10 hours after being put in his crate for bedtime the night before! Norman sleeps soundly and sleeps well in his crate but would love to cuddle up in a bed or next to a bed with his humans. After his AM potty break, he eats breakfast and goes back outside for any additional business that wasn't cared to because he was too excited for breakfast. Norman will then play willingly for a good 20 minutes with his foster pup brother (8 mt old lab) before telling him he is done and he needs his morning nap. The rest of the day Norman lays quietly in his bed, getting up for the occasional pet and to be let outside. When we get home he greets us at the door with his tail wagging, and many kisses. He isn't really happy though until our daughter comes home from school and then he is really content and happy to have the family back in the house! He then proceeds to his bed, plays a bit with his foster pup brother, sleeps, eats and goes outside before bed.

Norman is low key. He doesn't interact much with people outside of the house and will shy away from them. He doesn't care so much for other dogs either, but he has wandered into the neighbor's yard to meet the pup that lives there. He sniffed his nose and moved on to other smells. When people come over Norman will go to his crate. He is shy and would rather not greet people but keep to himself. He will eventually come out when he is ready and give soft kisses on their hands. When we brought him there were two other foster puppies in the house. They were eager to meet Norman and the three of them played well and snuggled together. After they were adopted, Norman had some time to himself in our house until his current foster pup brother came to live with us. Norman had a little more to say about a new dog coming into his home but within 48 hours they were playing together.

He is smitten for our 8-year-old daughter. Norman tolerates the 3-year-old kindly. He prefers the gentleness and soft play of the older child verses the desire to rough house a bit and run with the 3-year-old. He is a patient guy and what he really needs children to realize it takes him a bit to settle his nerves and warm up to new situations and people and kids can be a bit overwhelming for a pup who needs patience.

Norman will get the zoomies and plays with foster puppies but to describe his energy level any way other than low key, chillaxed, laid back, or mellow would be an over statement. He doesn't need to go on long walks but will. He prefers to go outside to do his business and then come back in or relax by our feet if we are all outside. We have taken him camping twice and he will walk the campgrounds with us, but we wouldn't take him on a hike. When we are in our campsite, he finds a cool spot under the leaves to sit and relax. He walks well on his leash. A walk around the block is fulfilling for Norman.

Norman has done great with the 3 foster puppies we have had while we have had Norman. He does need a day or two to warm up to the situation. He doesn't care for dogs much outside the home. He has not been exposed to cats.

He free roams when we are not home. Norman will bark and whine a bit when we leave but he settles down quite quickly. When we were camping it was about 50/50 if he settled down when we left him in the camper or if he barked until we got back. Norman does get attached to his humans. Norman doesn't have to be in the same room with you, but he would prefer to be your companion whenever possible. He may have low energy, but he has been willing to do everything with us! When we first brought Norman home he was extremely scared and shy. He shook with anxiety for the first couple days and then slowly became more and more comfortable. It took Norman a couple weeks to really begin eating regularly and letting his personality shine through. We haven't seen this level of anxiety since we first brought home and even with his fear he immediately greeted us with soft kisses on our hands and had a deep warmness about him that we could see in his eyes.

Norman did test positive for heartworm and was treated with three injections in Louisiana. Once Norman tests negative for heartworm, Fetch will pay for a dental at one of our Madison area vets. We do wipe a few areas around his legs that he tends to itch with wipes provided by the vet and do have a special shampoo that we bathe him in if he seems to be itchy all over but we have only needed this once and these supplies would be given to his adoptive family. Norman is getting older, but he has a pep in his step and a love for life. He loves hanging out with us and will go where we go.  Norman is a fun, well behaved dog and has a great personality.



