
pointer Mix | Female | 1 year Old | 34 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Walks well on leash! ✔️ Could live in an apartment!

✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ❌ Separation anxiety! ❌ Working on crate training!


Moxi found her people June 23!


Hi friends!

I know it’s only been a couple days since you last read about how cute I am, but Mom wanted me to write about my first day of doggie daycare this week!

It was the BEST! Like, even better than chasing squirrels up trees! I made so many new dog friends including a lab mix, cattle dog, and an Aussie! My friends are a lot bigger than me but that doesn’t bother me at all. I’d rather play with bigger dogs than have puppies trying to crawl all over me, that’s for sure. I was so tired after playing all day I napped for the rest of the night.

Day care will probably be my new favorite place (the pet store still smells great) and I’m going back on Monday already!

That’s all for now- I’m going back to my favorite morning pastime of lounging on the balcony.


Moxi has improved so much with her leash manners basically overnight since we started walking with a prong collar. She is much easier to direct now and she responds very well when I remind her that she isn’t allowed to chase the rabbits and to keep walking. She very rarely pulls at all now, only when she wants to stop and smell something. Moxi’s calmed down a lot in general while outside now that she’s used to the neighborhood.

She’s still anxious when I leave. We switched her crate from wire to plastic to decrease her chances of breaking the crate or hurting herself if she paws at it. She hasn’t been able to free roam when I’m gone because she will scratch at the door and try to get out. Since she has opened a closed bathroom door before, I don’t want to risk that.

Moxi seems to get a little motion sick in the car if there’s a lot of turning or if it’s too close to when she ate. She is fine if she has enough time between food and car ride (at least 4 hours I’d guess).

Her new favorite toy is a fuzzy tree with squeaky squirrels inside of it. She loves throwing the squirrels around, which seems to be a good substitute for the real thing!

She continues to make lots of human friends while out on walks. She will say “hi” to anyone and begs for belly rubs. We are hoping to start Moxi at daycare a couple times a week to make sure she can make dog friends too!


Moxi starts her day with a trip outside around 7 am for a quick walk around the block or short potty break. She is always excited to go outside and smell all the things, so our potty breaks usually turn into 10-15 min excursions. I work from home so for the next couple of hours Moxi will eat breakfast, play with her favorite toys, lay out on my balcony, and generally occupy herself. Around 10 or 11 am we will go out for a longer walk (20-25 minutes usually). She will do more of the same things to occupy herself in the afternoon and will probably fall asleep for an hour or two. She is pretty good about letting me work during the day. Around 3 pm I take her out again before I head to the gym. She is crated while I'm gone and we are practicing her being left alone for 1.5-2.5 hours at a time. I think she would eventually be fine free roaming, but we aren't at that point yet. She does bark when I leave but seems to stop eventually since she isn't usually barking when I get back. She will eat dinner around 5:30-6 pm and we either go out right after dinner or around 7pm. Our last trip outside is usually around 9:30pm. She loves the big open grassy areas behind my apartment building - she would love any home with a backyard or if it's an apartment building having her on a longer lead leash so she can run more would be great as well.

Moxi loves anyone who wants to pet her or scratch her ears! She's done great with everyone she has met and just loves being around humans. We've gone to the local pet store and she did great there as well - she's super curious and wishes she had 5 more noses to smell with. No exposure to children.

She seems to be high energy outdoors and medium to low energy indoors - she's just so excited to smell everything outside she can't help but be high energy outdoors. We tend to go on shorter walks more often throughout the day because I work from home, but I think she would also do fine with 2 longer walks plus quick potty breaks. Moxi loves being outside in general and spends most of the day on my balcony if the weather is nice. She loves to look for squirrels and thinks she’s a pro rabbit hunter!

When she's indoors she is perfectly happy to sit next to me on the couch and beg for belly rubs and ear scratches. Moxi will usually grab a toy or two and bring them onto the couch with us.

When Moxi was with a sitter for 5 days, she was with another dog and did great with that other dog. She has never shown any signs of aggressive behavior towards other dogs on walks. She usually will pull toward them because she wants to say “hi” to them. Moxi has no exposure to cats in her foster home.

She is crated when I leave and is definitely nervous about this. When I put blankets over the crate, she will try to pull the blankets inside the crate when I leave and she also barks. I don't think she barks the entire time I'm gone. She could live in an apartment if some barking is okay. Her sitter said that Moxi seemed to do better when there was music or a podcast left on when she is left alone, so this is something we will try again. Moxi was able to escape from a wire crate at her sitter’s house so we are working hard to decrease her anxiety about being left alone in her crate. She is totally fine being in a crate if people are around or overnight.

Moxi is on a round of antibiotics to treat anaplasma. She does not show any active infection and is being treated as a precaution. Moxi can take Benadryl up to twice daily to stop any itchy skin. The vet has recommended flea/tick preventatives year round to help her skin.

Moxi is an incredibly sweet dog who just needs some stability to feel safe and at home. She would be a great addition to any home who is looking for a younger dog to hang out with or go on adventures with. She is a very easy going, low maintenance dog who would be great for any level of dog owner in an apartment or a house. If you love cuddles and giving ear scratches, Moxi would love to meet you!



