
rat terrier Mix | Female | 6 months Old | 11 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs and kids! ✔️ Good with cats! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Could live in an apartment!

✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!


Lila found her peeps June 23, 2021!

Lila makes a bit of noise in the morning to wake me up, usually around 5:30 or 6 AM, for a trip outside, and then she plays and eats breakfast while I get ready for work. While I'm at work she sleeps in her crate, and then we go for a longer walk when I get home. She usually naps or entertains herself in the evenings around dinner time, and we take a last trip outside at around 10:30 PM before bed.

Lila is a total sweetheart and loves meeting people. She used to bark at everyone but has been working on socialization and now it’s mostly just energetic tail wags when we see people out on our walks.

Lila is great with kids and typically rolls over for belly rubs immediately. Lila sometimes jumps a bit, but she's working on learning "off" as a command and has made progress.

She has a lot of energy but seems to burn it off pretty quickly with a long walk or by chasing a ball around the house for a bit. Her leash manners are improving now that she's using a prong collar. Without the prong collar, she has a tendency to pull.

Lila may bark at other dogs but it’s never in an aggressive way. She usually just wants to meet them and can be a little overly enthusiastic. She used to pull towards dogs we saw on walks but use of the prong collar has mostly eliminated that behavior and it has also decreased her tendency to bark.

She lives with a cat now and while she's very interested in him and wishes he would play, he's not interested in her, so she has learned to leave him be.

Lila can be left unsupervised when I'm elsewhere in the house and usually just naps or brings a chew toy up on to the couch and settles into her spot for a while. She does sometimes chew on non-toys if I'm not careful to remove them from where she can reach them. When I'm not home, she is crated.

Lila has the most personality of any dog I've fostered! She loves to take short breaks to roll around in the grass on walks and when she gets tired, she army crawls until you pick her up. It makes me laugh every time. She has a tendency to roll over for belly rubs the second she meets someone, or when she knows she's in trouble. She's been a great hiking buddy for shorter trips (or you'll end up carrying her when she wants a break) as well as a great napping buddy. Her tail will always tell you exactly how she's feeling, and she wants nothing more than to make her people happy.



