
Chi and Jack Russell Terrior Mix | Female | 4 Years Old | 18 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Can free roam when alone! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ✔️ Could live in an apartment!

Maya found her family on 11/19/2022!



This Gurrrl!! Seriously one of the happiest dogs I’ve met. She has adjusted to our home and the routine in no time. Her confidence and comfort grows daily. It’s as if she knows she’s free to run now that her heart worm rest is over. She loves to run the hallway chasing a toy or just toss it around on her own. Her tail literally never stops wagging.

Her manners are also improving daily. She waits patiently for the resident dogs to finish eating before approaching them or their empty bowl looking for leftovers. She has also learned that we don’t jump on the door while we wait to go outside.

We took Maya to a fenced in yard with several new dogs, a few that were bigger than she was and she did great. Loved just running free! She does not like to wrestle though and has let our resident wrestler know that.

She’s a total snuggle bug and would be perfect if you want a dog to sit in your lap and look at you adoringly.


Maya wakes up early with foster Mom and goes outside right away to pee pee. She goes for a walk with foster Dad and brother around 6:30AM and spends the rest of the day sleeping and going out every 3ish hours. She walks again after foster Mom gets home, this time she walks with both foster brothers. They eat and have greenies and then just hang out. Pee pee before bed time around 9PM.

Maya loves everyone. Very affectionate and friendly. Just wants to sit in your lap and cuddle, loves to have her head and belly rubbed. Will just curl up in your lap. She is very friendly with all humans and dogs so far.

So far Maya has had minimal interaction with kids, but she is so excited and interested in everyone she comes across.

She is a little dog but has a lot of energy. Maya had a litter of puppies in May who have all found their families through Fetch, then tested positive for and was treated for heartworm! Maya has been on activity restrictions due to treatment, but as of November 1st can return to normal activities and burn off the energy (and the extra weight) she gained these past several months. Currently she's not allowed to really go crazy but has been going on walks and is doing great learning how to keep up and walk with the pack. Does much better with a harness on. She learned after only a few minutes how to play fetch with her stuffed teddy up and down the hallway-she loves it!

Maya has been very excited and friendly with all dogs of varying sizes. She is learning boundaries with fosters and within a few days she has learned to leave them and their food bowls alone.

Maya has had no exposure to cats.

Maya has had no issues when left alone.

Maya is a quick learner and just wants to give love and be loved. We are working on some manners like off and wait and settle. She is just so excited to be in a home with humans and other dogs and is clearly so happy. We are also trying to figure out her poop scheduled-she is on some weight loss food and it finally seems like she is adjusting and her schedule is regulating.



