
Chihuahua | Female | 6 Years Old | 11 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with cats! ✔️ Good with kids! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Potty trained! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Can free roam when alone! ✔️ Walks well on a leash! ✔️ Could live in an apartment! ❌ Needs to be the only dog

Bailey found her family on 11/16/2022!


We take Bailey out of her crate at about 5am and take her for a short walk where she almost always goes pee and poop. We then feed her dry food. On weekdays she stays in her crate from about 8:15am until 4pm. She is completely crate trained! A couple of short walks in the evening, and feed a second time. Bailey goes in her crate when asked at about 9:30pm and makes absolutely no sounds.

Bailey is a very friendly dog and is eager to be pet and have her belly scratched by visitors to our home. She is excited to meet people outside the house.

The neighbor kids, who are in 4th and 8th grade, have met her and she has been fine with them. Our daughter and her friends are all 17 and they all enjoy holding and petting Bailey, and Bailey enjoys the attention.

Not a super energetic dog inside, though she is certainly happy to see us after a night in the crate, or when we return from being gone. She would much prefer to be pet on our lap than play. She respects our boundaries, so if we push her away when she can't sit on our lap, she retreats appropriately. Super great and easy on a leash!

We believe that Bailey will do best if she is the only dog in the house. While Bailey has demonstrated that she can get along well with larger calm dogs, she seems to struggle with other small dogs. Meeting other dogs without getting too excited is something to be purposeful in developing.

Bailey has been fine in her limited interactions with cats, which seem to ignore her and she does the same in return.

If we are going to be gone up to two or three hours we do leave her out of her crate--just be sure to take her outside before departing. She does fine in the crate for longer periods of time and is completely crate trained.

Bailey is a very cuddly dog, and is also very quiet. We have only heard her bark one time. She has not chewed on anything!



