
shih tzu Mix | male | 3 years Old | 14 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Can free roam when alone! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Walks well on leash!

✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ❌ Separation anxiety!


Officially adopted February 25, 2021!

Magoo sleeps in his crate next to my bed overnight. He likes it as comfortable as possible in his crate, with a dog bed and some blankets. I wake him up around 7am on weekdays and 8am on weekends - he's not much of a morning dog, so I usually have to give him some convincing to get up :). He goes outside to potty right away, eats breakfast in his crate, and then lounges around the house while I'm working.

Magoo's main goal in life is to be as comfortable as possible, and he does it very well - I can usually find him either on the couch, in front of the fireplace, or in a sunbeam, always on a blanket or a bed. He goes outside several times during the day to avoid accidents inside and does well with that. His favorite time of day is the evening after I'm done working. We'll play fetch or tug with some soft squeaky toys for a bit, and then once he tires out he loves to cuddle up on the couch with me while I read or watch TV.

He has been friendly with the handful of people that he's been able to meet since coming up to Wisconsin. He has a friendly, easy-going personality, and greets everyone he meets with interest and a wagging tail. He loves getting pets and attention and knows that meeting new friends means both of those things.

Magoo has not had any exposure to children while in foster care with me. He did live with older children in his foster home down South and did well with them, though.

He is a low energy dog overall, which seems typical for his breed. His favorite hobbies include napping, snuggling, and cuddling up into blankets. That being said, he does spend several minutes each day playing with toys, and so far has liked going on walks. With the cold weather we haven't been able to go on very long walks, but he's liked the time that we have been able to spend outside.

On leash, Magoo is nosy and will stop to check out other dogs or people we see outside. He doesn't bark at or chase after things, but just wants to see what's going on! A quick call of his name or the promise of a treat always keeps him moving along with you - you just have to make sure that he's still with you when you're walking :). In terms of potty-training, Magoo reliably goes every time we're able to go outside. He has been wearing a belly band inside due to the cold weather keeping us from going outside as much as we want to, though, and also because he tried to mark a few things when he first got here. Once Magoo is able to go on longer walks outside, I'm sure he'll be a much happier boy.

Magoo lived with another shih tzu for most of his life, and currently lives with another small male dog (5 lb chihuahua/griffon mix). Magoo loves other dogs! He'll usually follow my dog around to see what's going on, and will attempt to snuggle with him in front of the fireplace. My dog is a bit grumpy, but Magoo has learned to read his signals well, and no longer pushes him to play.

Magoo has not had any exposure to cats.

He is a velcro dog and loves to be by my side as much as possible. Magoo has shown separation anxiety in this time with me. It's not extreme or destructive, but he'll often cry when crated in another room or at the front door when I take my other dog out. He does better if he's tired out beforehand and/or has a chew in the crate, but it's definitely something to consider for adopters who work outside of the home. 

Magoo has some tartar accumulation so an adopter should expect a dental in the next 1-2 years.

Magoo is the perfect name for this fluffy little boy, as he's a silly, good natured pup. He loves to give kisses and get pets, take his favorite toys into a dog bed and squeak them until he gets tired, and loves when you talk to him. Anytime you give him praise or attention, his little tail wags so much. He's looking for a forever home where he can laze around all day long and get plenty of attention.



