
terrier Mix | male | 2 Years Old | 80 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Can free roam when alone! ✔️ Walks well on leash! ✔️ House trained! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ❌ No cats!


Lollar found his family on October 3, 2020!


Lollar continues to be the BEST and I'm so surprised he hasn't been adopted yet! Secretly I'm not mad, because it means I get to spend more time with him. Here's a video of him jumping for joy cause he got to go in the car, and  him playing with his dog friends at home and at daycare.


As Lollar settles in a little more, I'm realizing he's probably the easiest foster I've ever had. His only weird quirk is that he barks nonstop when he's in the car, but covering his crate so he can't see the cars going by reduces the barking to almost zero. Despite this, he actually loves car rides (I think he realizes they usually mean he gets to go somewhere fun) and will jump right in with no hesitation. In fact, he does a little "happy dance" when he gets to go in the car!

We visited a friend who has cats and unfortunately Lollar was a little too interested in the kitties. He really wanted to chase them, so he would be best in a home without cats. We've also confirmed that Lollar can be left out unsupervised. If you're not home, he parks his butt on the couch and naps all day. This is pretty similar to what he does when you are home! He has several favorite nap spots that he rotates between throughout the day. He's not one of those dogs who wants to lay right in your lap (thankfully!), he's happier curled up next to you or at your feet. 

Lollar is totally housebroken and has never had an accident in the house. He can easily hold it for 8+ hours. He'd be great for a family or person who works full-time, as he doesn't seem to mind being left alone as long as he gets some attention and exercise when you get home. With his mellow, easy-going attitude Lollar would be perfect for a first-time dog owner or anybody else!


Meet Lollar! We affectionately call him Bowling Ball Head. He was picked up as a stray in Texas and has made his way up to Wisconsin to get adopted!

Lollar sleeps on a dog bed in our bedroom at night. As soon as we get up, he's ready to start his day. He gets a 20-30-min walk before breakfast, then hangs out in his crate while we're at work. He goes in with a treat and whines a little at first but settles down in a few minutes, and can go a full workday or overnight in his crate. When we get home, he gets another walk and then hangs out with us after dinner. Lollar's favorite indoor activities are sleeping on the couch, getting belly rubs and playing with his toys. Currently, he lives with two grumpy older dogs who won't play with him, but Lollar absolutely loves to play with other dogs (he'll just ignore dogs who don't want to play). He can be a little mouthy when he plays (sometimes he accidentally grabs your hand when he goes for the toy), so he may not be a great match for smaller kids. I've never seen him with kids but I have no reason to think he wouldn't be good with older kids.

Lollar is medium-low energy. He doesn't need to be tired out but he does LOVE his walks. He walks pretty well on a leash but will pull when he sees a squirrel or rabbit. I've been walking him on a prong collar and he does great in it. He's absolutely obsessed with small animals and loves to watch the neighborhood squirrels out the window. He'll bark when someone approaches the house but he loves every person he's ever met. Anybody who's willing to scritch his back is A-OK with Lollar. I've never seen him with cats and based on his reaction to other small animals, I suspect he may not do well with cats. Fetch can cat test Lollar if a home is interested in confirming.

Lollar has a large scar on his back that the vet thought was maybe a chemical burn scar. It's completely healed and doesn't bother him at all. He also has allergies that are currently well-controlled with an injectable medicine called Cytopoint. Lollar gets twice daily eye drops for his allergies. He doesn’t love them but he patiently tolerates me poking at his eyes while he sits and waits for a meal. He's completely house trained and I think he could be left out when you're gone, provided he has a relatively dog-proofed space. He doesn't love the car but he rides well in a covered crate (I think he gets anxious about all the moving objects he sees outside the car, so if he can't see anything he's fine!). On a related note, he doesn't understand shadows. It's very funny to watch him try to bite the shadows on the wall because he thinks they're real!

Overall, Lollar is just a big squish who is patiently waiting for his forever home. He's a low-key guy who'll be happy if you can provide him with one or two walks a day and a nice couch to nap on in between!



