
Smooth fox terrier Mix | Female | 2 Years Old | 33 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Can free roam when alone! ✔️ Good in car!

✔️ Good running buddy! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ❌ Best with older kids! ❌ Needs a quiet neighborhood!


Officially adopted on October 3, 2020!


Bella has really blossomed as she settled into her new living situation. It has been an absolute pleasure seeing her confidence grow. Garbage trucks are still a menace not to be trifled with, but general traffic noise is no longer scary enough to keep her from wanting to go on walks. With her increased confidence and reduced anxiety, Bella warms up to people much more readily.

She is still a high energy doggo. She's been doing fine at my apartment with no yard, but I do normally take her out 4 times a day, with two of the outings being longer walks with some jogging and running mixed in. There have been a few days in a row where she didn't get out as much, and she definitely showed that extra energy at home, sprinting around my apartment and being noticeably more insistent about when it was play time, with tug-of-war or indoor fetch being some ways to burn off the excess zoomies. She didn't show any destructive behaviors after a period of 3 days without her usual amount of running, but the energy was definitely building up inside her. A yard or dog park nearby would be great ways to have a consistent outlet for her energy. With some extra leash training, she could also make a great running buddy.

Bella's schedule has shifted later, and she has no problem letting me sleep in. She could adjust to whatever schedule is followed in her forever home.

Bella spent some time with a sitter, and did really well with the new person, and got along well with her puppy. Bella has gone on several hikes with me, and would happily spend the entire day on trails. She also got to go camping, which was quite the experience for her! She maintained constant vigilance the first day, but by the end of the trip was happily playing with the other dog on the trip, and even figured out how to get into and share a hammock with a person or two.


Bella's day starts around 6:30 am with about a mile walk, followed by breakfast. She typically lounges on the couch while I've been working from home, and she gets a short walk around lunchtime. She sometimes starts getting a bit restless after 4 pm, so I'll play with her a bit in the afternoon, and at 6 pm she gets in the car to go to a park. Bella will run/jog with me in the park for half an hour to an hour most days. Dinner after getting back from the park, and one last potty break around 9:30 pm while winding down for bed, when she sleeps either in an armchair in the bedroom or under the bed.

She can take some time to warm up to people, but letting Bella set the pace, and having the new person treat her with some string cheese helps new meetings go smoothly. Bella has not had much interaction with children, and Bella can startle easily, so she should not be introduced to children without close supervision.  Bella would do best in a quiet home without children.

Bella has quite a bit of energy, and could likely run around outside all day if given the opportunity. The walks and jogs I take her on as part of her daily routine seem sufficient to keep her from getting too restless inside my apartment, but she would love having a yard to run around in. Bella is still working on her leash manners. She sometimes tries to chase after rabbits, birds, and bicycles, or run away from large, loud vehicles. She's getting much better at not pulling, but forgets about that if she gets scared from loud traffic or construction equipment.

She has done well with dogs we've met while on walks, and with the dogs she has had play dates with. She has not been introduced to any cats, and either has not noticed or was not interested in the cats we've seen outside while on walks.  Bella can be cat tested by a Fetch cat if her furever home had a cat.

Bella does well when left alone, and roams free in the apartment when I am away. She's never gone into the garbage or cause any sort of destruction. I'll hear one or two barks after closing the door when I leave, but that's about it. Bella gets very excited whenever I get back, even if I was only gone for a few minutes, with quite a bit of jumping and zoomies. She's learning to grab a toy to chew on in her excitement instead of jumping.

Bella can have a lot of anxiety in certain situations. She is very scared of large vehicles (buses, garbage trucks, construction vehicles) or loud traffic, which can cause her to try to bolt. She would have an easier transition to her new home if it is away from any high traffic areas. Also, while it might take her a few days or a week to warm up to a new family, she is very sweet once she is settled in. Lastly, Bella was surrendered because her former owner was not able to provide enough outlets for Bella's energy. Bella has been doing well with daily walks and runs while staying in my apartment, but she would do great with a yard to run around in.



