
hound/cur Mix | female | 3 months Old | 13 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good with cats! ✔️ Good with kids! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ❌ Car sickness on rides


Congrats to Cashew on her adoption October 2, 2020!

Cashew is a delightful little puppy who was rescued with her litter from Louisiana right after the recent hurricane. She’s excited to start her new life in Wisconsin!

Cashew sleeps in her crate next to my bed. She gets up pretty early around 6 am and goes outside to potty and is ready to EAT. She loves meal times even more than the usual pup and is super food motivated, which will help with training. After that, she’s ready to play with the other dogs in her foster home and all of her toys. She takes social cues from other dogs well and is pretty submissive with them. She definitely doesn’t try to be the boss. 

She’s a typical puppy who loves to play but she will probably grow up to be a more medium energy dog. She takes a lot of rests as well and her favorite place to do this is up on the couch with her people. She’s a snuggler and seeks out warm places and blankets. Cashew has very short hair and a thin build so will most likely need sweaters for the fall and winter seasons. 

Cashew also lives with a cat in her foster home. She occasionally tries to play with him in the same way she would another dog. However, she is easily redirected. She lives with a 9 year old boy and is very friendly and comfortable around him. I haven’t had an opportunity to observe her around any younger kids. She does have common puppy behaviors of mouthing and jumping up and will need help learning boundaries. This also means she’ll need to be kenneled when not supervised so she doesn’t get into trouble. She cries and barks in the crate at first but settles down eventually. 

We haven’t had any visitors since she’s been in foster but she seemed a bit shy and subdued when she first arrived. She handled that by snuggling with the people until she felt more comfortable. It didn’t take her long to open up and become more playful and outgoing. She’s so excited to see everyone when she gets up in the morning or when someone comes home. Her entire body wiggles! 

Her potty training is going great and she’s had minimal accidents. She is still getting up around once a night to go potty and goes right back to sleep afterwards. Cashew has unfortunately gotten car sick every time she’s been in my car. She may grow out of this with time or just might not be the best traveler. 

Cashew is just the sweetest pup! She can’t wait to find a forever family to grow up with! I’m including a video of her playing in the backyard with her foster siblings.



