
German Shepherd Mix | male | 8 years Old | 85 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs and cats! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Can free roam when alone! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Walks well on leash!

✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!


June 16 marks Loki’s adoption day!

Loki's day starts off with a morning walk before breakfast. He then lounges around the house until lunch time, when we go out to the yard while I eat. After work we go for another walk then he has dinner around 8 pm. Loki gets one more short walk before bedtime then sleeps soundly through the night.

Loki is fantastic when meeting strangers both inside and outside of the house. He is very gentle but eager to make new friends and snuggle. No exposure to children.

He is a very low energy pup. We go on three walks a day and he is very well behaved on the leash.

Loki does great with other dogs. He doesn't play much but doesn't mind when other dogs come up and sniff him.

We have two cats and Loki gets along great with both of them. They mostly ignore each other, but when the cats enter Loki's space he tends to ignore them.

Loki does very well being left alone. He free roams the house but mostly lays in his favorite spots, including the couch and guest bed. He doesn't have any interest in objects that aren't his toys, so there isn't a worry about him chewing on anything while we are gone. Loki will bark at the window fro a few minutes when one of us leaves.

As an older pup, Loki has five masses the vet is watching for any changes in size. The masses appear to have characteristics of a benign fatty mass and may need to be sampled if the appearance/size changes. Loki will need a dental in the next 1-2 years. In the meantime, dental treats are a great way to limit new tartar accumulation. He is being treated for an ear infection with ointment.

Loki is truly the sweetest dog. He is an older guy who just wants to snuggle and be loved and love you back.



