
Miniature Schnauzer | Female | 13 years Old | 19 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Can free roam when alone! ✔️ Housebroken!

✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Walks well on leash! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ✔️ Could do well in an apartment!


This sweet senior marks January 5, 2021 as her adoption day!


A news update for Lizzy this week as our Texas bandit experienced snow for the first time and had her first Thanksgiving up north, including a cute little turkey dinner thanks to our friends at Fetch! This experienced gal didn't let the snow slow her down one bit though and although she seems to do a bit more pillow nestling on cold days, she is always ready for a walk around the block or on one of new favorite trails


Say hello to my little friend," Lizzy, a.k.a. little Stinker Bell, is a lovable pup that will quickly find her way into your heart and become a part of the family. Despite frolicking her first 13 years in Texas, she has taken to Wisconsin weather very well and is a great walker on leash. A bit more than expected, she loves to mark her territory on walks and somehow always has a bit left to pee when she's sees or smells another dog doing the same!

While she's a bit on the deaf end of the spectrum, around the house you won't need to worry about losing her - she will either be cozied up on a pillow or right at your heels, offering to help anyway her little paws can.

Full of sass and taking in the world through her cataracts, this little lady has a pep in her step and gets around very well for her age. She really is adorable and happily accepts pets from new friends that coo over her, or from her doting foster fam. If you still can't imagine what having her in your life would be like, the best I can say is imagine your favorite grandmother turned into a miniature schnauzer - early to bed, early to rise, never missing a meal, and not to be left alone with a bag of treats Lizzy easily keeps up with her 6 year old foster sister and isn't showing signs of slowing down anytime soon!


Lizzy is recovering well from hernia repair! She’s back to her old curious self following us around the house. We’re working on training and she is able to “sit” for treats! She’s also doing well out and about - we’ve taken her to Blain’s Farm and Fleet and she has very good leash manners.


Lizzy is an early riser! She's usually up at 6 am and ready for her morning potty and breakfast. She does take short naps throughout the day but wants to be close to her humans as much as possible. If she wants to nap, she'll head over to her crate. Otherwise, she's very much a velcro dog and wants to follow her people around the house. She does enjoy walks and is treat motivated, but fairly low-medium energy. She can keep up well on longer walks (1-2 hours), she just doesn't need it every day so we usually go on a few shorter walks throughout the day. She goes to bed when we go to bed - she is good either in her crate or her dog bed.

She loves people so much. Inside, she follows us around all day and wants to be near us. She doesn't need to be pressed up against you if you're sitting on the couch or something, she just needs to be near you to see what you're doing. If I get up off the couch to get a drink, she will follow me to the kitchen and back.

Outside the home, Lizzy mostly ignores other people. She will accept pets if they are gentle and stick to her face/neck but she doesn't go out seeking them. She has been friendly towards everyone she’s met.  Lizzy has only met children outside the home. She's okay if they approach gently and do not startle her. Pets on the head and neck are preferred - not a belly scratch girl.

She's really good on leash. She goes for a short walk in the morning, mid-day, after dinner, and right before bed. Overall, Lizzy doesn't need to go on long walks but can definitely keep up on the longer 1-2 hour walks. I would say exercise requirements are low but doesn't mean she needs to be confined to a low energy lifestyle. She is definitely not a runner, but she can go at a steady pace for a while. Has stamina.

Lizzy and our pitbull mostly ignore each other other than sniffing each other throughout the day. She has tried to initiate play a few times by biting our resident dog's ears. I've only ever seen her play with another dog once - a high energy dachshund puppy similar to her in size that wanted to be chased

No exposure to cats.

Lizzy does well at home alone. She can free roam. Lizzy doesn't chew on non-toy or good objects but if you happen to leave dog treats out, she will help herself :)

Lizzy has a heart murmur, cataracts, and gingivitis. The heart murmur and cataracts should be monitored - for the former, keep track of breathing to make sure she’s okay and for the latter, we will want to watch for symptoms of diabetes so we can control that. She probably will need a teeth cleaning in the next 6-12 months to help with her gingivitis but she is okay for now.

She's a sweet senior who wants to be a part of the family. Lizzy wants to be cooed over/petted and included in daily activities, just be gentle with her since she can't do intensive activities and isn't the type that wants to be picked up/belly rubbed.



