
Australian cattle dog Mix | Female | 2 months Old | 11 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with kids! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!


Lily found a family of her own on August 5, 2020!

Lily is an easy-going puppy who spends her day playing to release some of her "puppy energy" and then relaxing, taking in some good naps. She is still learning and getting used to playing outside, Loud noises outside like cars and lawn mowers definitely startle her and scare her a bit. She loves lounging in the grass.

Lily loves being with people, especially kids, so she will follow you around the house, nestle up next to you while sitting on the floor or lay by your feet while you are sitting on the couch. She loves attention and likes to interact with people. She tends to be a bit timid and shy at first with new people but quickly warms up to them, especially if they give her belly rubs.

Lily is quite affectionate and loves to give kisses. She likes to play with toys, especially ones that squeak. She will entertain herself and play with toys on her own. She also likes to play tug o war and is learning to chase/fetch a ball. She was a bit shy when we first got her, but as she has become more comfortable, her curiosity has increased and she likes to explore new parts of the house and yard. She does sometimes "explore" with her mouth and try to chew on things she shouldn't, but she is easily redirected with an appropriate chew toy.

Lily is doing well with potty training outside. She is definitely treat motivated. We take her outside every couple hours to go potty and she does go whenever we take her outside. Being a puppy, she is not leash trained yet, but she is getting more used to it. She will go on short walks but still hasn't quite figured out exactly what she is supposed to do. She is a follower rather than a leader when it comes to walks.

Lily has not really been exposed to other dogs with us since leaving her littermates. But when she does hear any of the neighbors' dogs while in backyard, she does get a bit scared. Like with other "new" things, it seems she may need to get used to other dogs first in order to be comfortable around them. She has not been around any cats yet but can be cat tested by Fetch if needed.

Since Lily is a typical puppy who likes to explore, she is not left alone. She has been left for short periods of time but we always put her in her crate when we are gone, which she does well with. She also sleeps in the crate at night and will sleep all night.

Lily is very smart and learns quickly. She's a sweet, loving pup who will be a great addition to your family.



