Lil Buddy

Basset Hound Mix | Male | 5 Year Old | 34 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with dogs! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Can free roam when alone! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Good in car!

❌ No kids under 12 years old! ❌ Needs experienced owner!


Officially adopted on Friday, January 15, 2021!


Lil Buddy's favorite treats are biscuits and pork-flavored yummies, but he isn't very picky! He'll gladly take small pieces of fruit when I offer him some. Lil Buddy has a habit of chewing on things he isn't supposed to if he's not stimulated enough. An ideal family for him would be someone who can engage him every day, be it small training sessions or playing fetch and tug! He's currently allowed on the couch when we let him, and he will quickly hop off on command. He loves to hang around the dining room table and enjoys weaving around the chairs, but has learned that he is not allowed to hang around if people are eating. He's a really good beggar!


Lil Buddy’s walking manners has improved drastically! He is kind of a slow walker but he stays pretty close to us when we go on our routine walks. He loves to smell and explore new areas, so it’s a bit more difficult to get his attention in a new environment. He’s had a few baths since we started fostering him. You can tell it’s not his most favorite thing in the world, but he will sit/stand still and let you wash his paws and belly! Lil Buddy is beginning to get very comfortable around us and the resident dogs. He will cuddle close to all of us but sometimes feels that he’s the boss and will snap when he doesn’t get his way. It’s very important for us to let him know that he is not in charge of our dogs, but rather a part of the group. When he gets too in-their-faces, we step in and let him know that that kind of behavior is not appropriate and move him away from the resident dogs. Sometimes he just needs time to decompress and by stepping in and redirecting, we tell him that he can’t snap at the resident dogs as a way of relieving stress.


Lil Buddy has been with us a month now and he fits right in to our little family. He has met several people both outside of the house and at pet stores. Most of the time, he goes up to say “Hi” and turns back to me. We’ve worked hard to redirect Lil Buddy when kids, bikers or skateboarders are out. It works well to redirect his attention to something else or moving further away from the stimulus. He is working hard on his manners like a good boy!


Lil Buddy is settling into his new home nicely. He is getting along very well with us (loves to come up for some loving when we call him) and we keep him in his kennel for most of the work day with sporadic supervised free time. He really likes his kennel and willingly goes in when we ask. His walking manners are improving - we’ve been using a walking harness for a few days now. He’s getting along very well with our older male dog and will sit next/walk next to him without any issues. We are still working on our female dog who’s closer to Buddy’s age. They don’t quite get along and still growl when they get too close to each other. There was a small tussle between the two of them so they require supervision.


Lil Buddy gets walked about 3 times a day and tends to lounge around his kennel or on the couch for the majority of the day. He gets to free-roam with his foster siblings when humans are around the house but also gets spoiled with one-on-one time with his foster parents.

Lil Buddy LOVES new people! He will say “hi” to people when they enter the house and will offer greetings to strangers outside of the house. However, when greetings are finished, Buddy likes to return to his kennel or the couch and hang out with his foster siblings or by himself.

He does not have exposure to children or cats in his foster home.

Lil Buddy has spurts of energy throughout the day. He loves going for walks but doesn't need to be exercised consistently. Most of his energy is spent running around the house with toys.

He takes a while to warm up to new dogs. On leash, he will always want to say “hi” but does fine walking past unknown dogs. Lil Buddy exhibits very nuanced behaviors when he doesn't like a dog, so you need to pay really close attention to him and move him away from the situation if the other dog doesn't pick up on it. For the most part, he likes other dogs but needs his own space. He's like an introverted person with a social battery. Once his battery runs out, he'd prefer to be alone.

When left alone, Buddy is always in his kennel. He enjoys being in there.

Lil Buddy needs to be in a house with an experienced dog owner or experienced dog and dog owner. 90% of the time, he's a completely normal, friendly and sociable dog but needs his alone time. He knows basic commands but can use some work on obedience. He is responsive to training.



