
terrier Mix | male | 7 months Old | 43 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs and cats! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Can free roam when alone! ✔️ Good in car!

✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ❌ No apartments please!


Congrats to Chase on his adoption January 15, 2021!


Chase has been loving the snow! He loves to run, jump, and occasionally eat the snow. Sometimes he doesn’t want to come inside and prefers to keep playing in the snow. Who would’ve guessed a Texas dog would love the snow so much?!

Chase recently met another dog face-to-face and became fast friends with her. They love to play, wrestle, snuggle and share toys. He’s been great about sharing his dog bed and people with her.

When Chase gets bored outside, he will chew on my pine trees and dig in the yard. This hasn’t been an issue since he has a puppy playmate. He really enjoys toys too! Those keep him entertained as well.

Over the Christmas Holiday, our oldest son came home on leave and we had family over. Chase did really well with the extra people and noise. He even came out and socialized!! Chase has made amazing strides in being more brave with strangers! I’m so proud of him!

Chase truly is such a sweet guy. He would make a wonderful addition to your home!


Chase wakes up and is let out for a bathroom break. Sometimes he will play with the neighbor dogs for a while before he comes back in to eat breakfast. After breakfast, he will either play with his tennis ball ring toy, chew on a bone, go back outside to play, or take a nap. Chase loves to be outside when the weather is nice. He will lay on the cement patio for a nap, run with the neighbor dogs at the fence line, chew on my small pine trees, play with his toys, and keep the bunnies out of the yard. Sometimes Chase doesn't want to come inside, even though he is sitting or standing at the door. When he comes inside the first time I open the door, he gets a treat and I tell him he's a good boy. He eats dinner around 6pm and will run outside for a bit before coming in and relaxing. He has another potty break before bed around 10pm. We say "go to bed" and Chase will go into his crate. He likely could sleep on his dog bed all night, but I want to keep his routine the same until he's adopted. He sleeps all night in his crate.

Chase had to have surgery because one of his front leg bones was too long and was putting pressure on his elbow, causing lameness.  He had surgery to remove a part of the bone to relieve the pressure while he continues to grow.  He has recovered well from the surgery and is back to being a normal, active pup.  There is a chance that if that bone gap fully heals before he is done growing, he could start to exhibit some additional lameness.  The vet feels confident about how he recovered thus far and Chase would only need follow up with this in the event he started showing lameness in the future.

He is very shy. Chase will bark at strangers when they enter our home. He does not approach strangers when outside of the home. He tucks his tail and looks to me for guidance. On the few walks we've been able to take, I'll have Chase sit and I'll kneel next to him and pet him saying "it's ok" and "you're safe" until the stranger(s) have passed us. With his people inside the home, Chase is very loving. He loves rubs on his belly, under his chin, and his chest. He will need more socialization and quite possibly a quieter home.

We have children ages 6, 6, 7, and 8 in the home halftime, but all on the same days. Chase is calmer and more relaxed on days the boys are all gone. We have a 16-year-old, who lives here fulltime. He is still a bit shy around her and will hide. He is most comfortable with his foster mom and foster dad. We kept his crate in our room for the first few weeks until he started to be more comfortable with the crate. Our room and his crate are his safe places. I have two young children I watch every so often. One is 4 months and the other 18 months. Chase does not like them and is scared. He will hide. The 18-month-old is very respectful of his space and leaves him alone. She will talk to him and try to get him to come play, but he hasn't yet.

Chase loves to run with neighbor dogs. He could possibly make a good running partner, but I suspect it would be more of a short run for him. He does love to explore, take naps, chew on toys, snuggle on cold days, and getting lots of pets, especially his chest and under the chin. We haven't gone for walks on the leash, just done leash work when he was healing from surgery to prevent him from running, jumping, and doing too much.

We haven't had another dog inside the home. Chase loves to run with all the neighbor's dogs. We have dogs on all three sides of us. He runs the fence line with them and often signals (comes over by me and whines a bit and then runs to the door) to go outside when he sees the other dogs outside. He seems very comfortable with other dogs but hasn't had direct contact with other dogs.

Chase has been respectful of our foster cat. She doesn't like any other animals and is picky about people too. Chase will try to play with her, she will growl at him, and he will retreat to his dog bed or sit by me on the floor. Lately, he has been completely ignoring her.

Chase will rest peacefully in his crate or somewhere in the living/dining room while we are out. There is usually someone home due to COVID changing our normal routine (virtual school). The times he is left home alone, he doesn't bark, is calm, and usually naps or chews on his toys.

Due to how he reacts to sudden noises, I feel he would do better is a quieter and calm home. We have quite a busy and loud household halftime. He doesn't do as well on those days and tends to hide most of the day.


Lil Buddy

