
Chihuahua Mix | Female | 8 years Old | 12 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs and cats! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Can free roam when alone!

✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Walks well on leash! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!


Little miss Layla found her family on December 4, 2020!

Layla starts her days crawling out of her cocoon of blankets and heading outside for a quick potty break. Once inside, Layla will talk excitedly and dance around while waiting for her breakfast. She is a pretty low energy pup so will either spend the day snoozing in her kennel or in a dog bed next to my WFH desk. At the end of the workday, she will take another quick potty break then will settle in for snuggles with the humans for the rest of the evening. She will walk okay on the leash but doesn't like going on walks too much and would likely prefer to be carried if going for more than a quick walk due to some arthritis in her back legs.

She likes people quite a bit and is relatively chill when meeting new people - especially if they'll let her snuggle them to keep warm. She has not met children while with me in foster care. Layla does not bark at new people much but does do some little howls sometimes when people are walking past the house or yard. Layla has arthritis in her back legs so just needs humans to be extra gentle with her especially while picking her up and setting her down.

Layla does pretty well meeting new animals and mostly just ignores them. She currently lives with my two resident dogs and one other foster dog and ignores all of them. The only thing she really doesn't like is other dogs trying to come in her crate or come near her food. She will growl at them quite a bit if they try to do this and is fine again if they leave her alone. Layla also lives with two cats right now and she totally ignores them - which makes the cats happy! Layla does not usually like to play with other dogs, but she will occasionally do a little chasing in the yard if the other dogs are already playing.

She does great in her kennel when left alone but is also great left uncrated too. She is potty trained and will cry and dance at the door when she needs to potty. Layla can't get onto the couch on her own but really loves to sleep up there among the blankets so I leave a stool by the couch as makeshift stairs for her. She is not destructive and hasn't gotten into any trouble while left alone and free-roaming at my place.

Layla had some previous skin infections when she came to Fetch that needed to be treated. This appears to be cleared up now but has some medicated shampoo to use in case things flare up. Layla also has arthritis that is currently managed by daily pain meds. These help her be much more playful and active. She also gets a joint supplement to help with this long term and fish oil to help support healthy joints and skin. Layla is a very affectionate little lady who is very easy to care for and who just wants a warm lap to snuggle!



