
coonHound Mix | male | 1 Year Old | 50 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs and kids! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Can free roam when alone! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ❌ Working on car rides!


Officially adopted on August 25, 2020!

Hi! I'm Karl! I came up to Wisconsin from Louisiana in early August, and even though I didn't really like the trip (cars make me feel sick and nervous), I'm SO happy I'm here now! Every day, my two doggie foster brothers and I wake up around 7am to go potty and eat breakfast. Then, we play in the house or run in the fenced in yard for a little bit. Our favorite games are tug of war and chase and wrestle. Once we get some playtime in, we nap for most of the day. I'm a really good boy, so we all three get to roam around the house and sleep wherever. If I'm not sleepy while mom is working, I chew on a rope toy or play fetch with myself. Mom usually feeds us a late lunch around 4pm and then dinner around 8pm. By 9 or 10pm, it's bedtime! I get to sleep on whatever dog bed I want, and sometimes I sneak into bed with mom and she cuddles me. Life is good!

When I meet new people, I sometimes feel a little nervous, so I'll slowly approach them to sniff them when I'm ready. Once I get to sniff them and know they're safe, I want all of their love and attention! Kids are extra fun because they'll play with you for a long time, but if they move too fast toward me I get nervous and run away to an adult who can help. I've never met a really young kid, only elementary school aged kids and older.

I LOVE to play! When I wake up, I can't help but wiggle my butt to get some pets and ear rubs. I need either some playtime or a walk in the morning to get out my excitement for the day. It's really fun to have foster brothers who will play with me because then I get to exercise while mom gets ready and I don't have to wait for her. But if I moved to a home without siblings, it would be good too because then my humans could give me all the attention! Once I play for about 30 minutes in the morning, I'm usually tired enough to either lay down on my own or chew on my toys. I like to play or walk again in the afternoon and in the evening before bedtime. I'm really flexible - I'll respond to the energy level of those around me.

I think all dogs are really awesome! If I see a dog outside my window, I like to say hi a lot, so mom makes me wear a bark collar because apparently shouting at outside dogs isn't something humans appreciate. When we have doggie visitors, I get SUPER excited! Sometimes, I get a little too excited to play, so mom keeps a leash on me so she can help me know when to take a breather to let the other dog have a break too. Once I get the hang of the other dog's play and break signals, I get free roam again. I've gotten really good at reading dog signals from my foster brothers and from our frequent doggie friends that come visit. I've never met a cat before, but foster mom wants to introduce me to one soon.

Even though I have a crate that I'm used to, I get to free roam when the humans are gone. I usually lay in the big bay window to keep an eye on the house, but I can sometimes be found sleeping on a couch or in a doggie bed. I don't chew on things I'm not supposed to and I never go potty in the house, so mom lets me do what I want when she leaves. I do bark at outside people and dogs, so she makes me wear a bark collar that beeps at me. When I have that on, I stay quiet. As long as I got enough playtime and exercise, I usually just want to nap while my humans are gone or busy.

Thanks for reading all about me. I can't wait for my forever family to find me so I can start showering them with all my love and kisses!  I’m recovering from heartworm treatment and can head to my furever home after August 25.



